Irregular periods/hormone imbalance questions

Hello! I’m female, 19, around 115 pounds and I forgot what other ‘demographics’ I’m supposed to add but yeah.

So, most of my periods happen very close to each other. When they do happen, my head gets very foggy and tired, and every other period or so I get crippling cramps. Like, I can physically feel a pressure in my head, idk. I also have depression and some other stuff, so I got screened for hypothyroidism, but it came back in the normal spectrum. Idk. I’m asking what kind of chemical imbalances can be cause by irregular periods or vice versa. Is there still a chance I could have hypothyroidism? Sorry for not making sense I can’t think very well right now.

Hello! I’m female, 19, around 115 pounds and I forgot what other ‘demographics’ I’m supposed to add but yeah.So, most of my periods happen very close to each other. When they do happen, my head gets very foggy and tired, and every other period or so I get crippling cramps. Like, I can physically feel a pressure in my head, idk. I also have depression and some other stuff, so I got screened for hypothyroidism, but it came back in the normal spectrum. Idk. I’m asking what kind of chemical imbalances can be cause by irregular periods or vice versa. Is there still a chance I could have hypothyroidism? Sorry for not making sense I can’t think very well right now.
