Trans men - what are/were your experiences of hormonal changes with menstruation?

For trans guys/transmasc people who have or have had periods - what have been your experiences of hormonal changes associated with menstrual cycles? Have you noticed particular changes to your your mood or physical effects, and have those lined up with what the expected norm is for cis women?

For context, for a long time I've had really bad post-menstrual mood changes, just general depression, terrible appetite, and weird mood starting right after the beginning of menstruation which abruptly stops mid-way through the menstrual cycle. Attempts to google what is going on have basically told me that this doesn't exist and all women (lol so not me I guess) feel better after their periods. I even thought I might have some hormonal imbalance and tried seeing an endocrinologist. I only just recently realised that as a trans person this might be related to having an abnormal (compared to a cis woman) response to estrogen. I had no idea that there could even be such a direct emotional response to hormone changes in trans people until reading this sub.

Are these kinds of responses to menstrual cycles something other people have experienced? What have been any other experiences with hormonal cycles you've had as trans afab people? This has been really fucking with my head for the last couple of years and I'd really appreciate hearing what other people's experiences have been!

For trans guys/transmasc people who have or have had periods - what have been your experiences of hormonal changes associated with menstrual cycles? Have you noticed particular changes to your your mood or physical effects, and have those lined up with what the expected norm is for cis women?For context, for a long time I've had really bad post-menstrual mood changes, just general depression, terrible appetite, and weird mood starting right after the beginning of menstruation which abruptly stops mid-way through the menstrual cycle. Attempts to google what is going on have basically told me that this doesn't exist and all women (lol so not me I guess) feel better after their periods. I even thought I might have some hormonal imbalance and tried seeing an endocrinologist. I only just recently realised that as a trans person this might be related to having an abnormal (compared to a cis woman) response to estrogen. I had no idea that there could even be such a direct emotional response to hormone changes in trans people until reading this sub.Are these kinds of responses to menstrual cycles something other people have experienced? What have been any other experiences with hormonal cycles you've had as trans afab people? This has been really fucking with my head for the last couple of years and I'd really appreciate hearing what other people's experiences have been!
