what physical things can i check for constant brainfog anxiety/depression symptoms before considering psych help

21 male 153lbs with hypothyroidism on levothyroxine 50mcg I’ve been feeling a constant anxiety/restlessness and crashes of depression, and brain fog/unfocusedness/ zoning out all the time, every day for a number of months now. I went to my primary doctor for a blood checkup, routine because I have hypothyroidism that I take medication for and he said my thyroid and vitamin levels are fine. I feel like I want to get a second opinion from an endo to check all my hormones and check any other things before I consider taking psych meds or seeing a therapist but don’t know how to go about it.

What I check that can cause these symptoms just in case it’s due to an imbalance that can be fixed

21 male 153lbs with hypothyroidism on levothyroxine 50mcg I’ve been feeling a constant anxiety/restlessness and crashes of depression, and brain fog/unfocusedness/ zoning out all the time, every day for a number of months now. I went to my primary doctor for a blood checkup, routine because I have hypothyroidism that I take medication for and he said my thyroid and vitamin levels are fine. I feel like I want to get a second opinion from an endo to check all my hormones and check any other things before I consider taking psych meds or seeing a therapist but don’t know how to go about it.What I check that can cause these symptoms just in case it’s due to an imbalance that can be fixed https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2QCBw4r
