AITA for avoiding my parents?

so i know the title might be a little weird but let me put out some details on this before i get into the story, now I'm 21 and am currently living with my parents because in my town i can't afford a place on my own, have a boyfriend who lives about an hour away that I am planning on moving in with hopefully soon, now onto the story

I went to the doctor recently and based on the symptoms i was having they said I was either pregnant or having a hormone change/imbalance, i go get a blood test soon to find out but obviously I'm scared, thankfully my parents and boyfriend have backed me up emotionally and mentally 100%.

today however was different, i have been dealing with mood swings and wont lie my anger got the better of me today. i was making myself lunch when i realized we didn't have milk, i needed it for the recipe i was making and got a little angry, i was talking to myself when my step dad decided to chime in, the conversation went like this

me: i cant stand these mood swings

dad: imagine how embarrassing it will be if you aren't pregnant

me: then that just means something is wrong with me

dad: we (my mom and him) have discussed that before

when i was young i was diagnosed with add, depression, anxiety, and ptsd so this comment hurt, i paused for a second and then asked if he could maybe cool it a bit with the jokes because these mood swings were really getting to me, I didn’t raise my voice or yell I was calm, i wont lie i almost started crying. well he looked me straight in the face and said "i wasn't laughing" no apology, no stopping, nothing, he was serious.

this isn't the first time he has made jokes like this but with how scared i am and all my mood swings i finished making lunch and then went to my room because i was starting to cry and I've been avoiding them since because my mom didn't stop him or say anything to him she just let it happen and watch.


so i know the title might be a little weird but let me put out some details on this before i get into the story, now I'm 21 and am currently living with my parents because in my town i can't afford a place on my own, have a boyfriend who lives about an hour away that I am planning on moving in with hopefully soon, now onto the storyI went to the doctor recently and based on the symptoms i was having they said I was either pregnant or having a hormone change/imbalance, i go get a blood test soon to find out but obviously I'm scared, thankfully my parents and boyfriend have backed me up emotionally and mentally however was different, i have been dealing with mood swings and wont lie my anger got the better of me today. i was making myself lunch when i realized we didn't have milk, i needed it for the recipe i was making and got a little angry, i was talking to myself when my step dad decided to chime in, the conversation went like thisme: i cant stand these mood swingsdad: imagine how embarrassing it will be if you aren't pregnantme: then that just means something is wrong with medad: we (my mom and him) have discussed that beforewhen i was young i was diagnosed with add, depression, anxiety, and ptsd so this comment hurt, i paused for a second and then asked if he could maybe cool it a bit with the jokes because these mood swings were really getting to me, I didn’t raise my voice or yell I was calm, i wont lie i almost started crying. well he looked me straight in the face and said "i wasn't laughing" no apology, no stopping, nothing, he was serious.this isn't the first time he has made jokes like this but with how scared i am and all my mood swings i finished making lunch and then went to my room because i was starting to cry and I've been avoiding them since because my mom didn't stop him or say anything to him she just let it happen and watch.AITA?
