Ex-vegetarian/vegan of 30 years needs help

I was brought up vegetarian and eventually became vegan on and off for the past few years due to hormonal imbalances. Recently I have been trying to eat meat because I also have signs of insulin resistance and a lot of the protein sources in vegetarian/vegan diets are high in carbs and most of the times not filling enough. I have struggled all my life with feeling full and recently have been having extreme fatigue and brain fog and my weight will not budge.

I can eat eggs with no problem as I used to eat them when I was vegetarian, but eating anything else has been difficult. I find I can eat grilled chicken pieces in a salad, but even then it can't be plain it has to be seasoned or something (I guess to mask the taste). I have tried to do shredded chicken in soups but that didn't work out so well because of the smell. Same thing with bone broth. I was recently thinking maybe incorporating chicken into cooked meals may work better for me. I've read a lot of the posts here saying to first try fish. I am a fan of sushi but not sure if the smell of raw fish will work out for me initially.

I get this is mostly a psychological thing but hopefully I can overcome this. Any suggestions?

I was brought up vegetarian and eventually became vegan on and off for the past few years due to hormonal imbalances. Recently I have been trying to eat meat because I also have signs of insulin resistance and a lot of the protein sources in vegetarian/vegan diets are high in carbs and most of the times not filling enough. I have struggled all my life with feeling full and recently have been having extreme fatigue and brain fog and my weight will not budge.I can eat eggs with no problem as I used to eat them when I was vegetarian, but eating anything else has been difficult. I find I can eat grilled chicken pieces in a salad, but even then it can't be plain it has to be seasoned or something (I guess to mask the taste). I have tried to do shredded chicken in soups but that didn't work out so well because of the smell. Same thing with bone broth. I was recently thinking maybe incorporating chicken into cooked meals may work better for me. I've read a lot of the posts here saying to first try fish. I am a fan of sushi but not sure if the smell of raw fish will work out for me initially.I get this is mostly a psychological thing but hopefully I can overcome this. Any suggestions? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/34BKamQ
