Should I give up with breast milk?

I am exhausted folks. Truly I am. I would keep pumping if output was good but at 18 weeks Post partum with baby boy drinking almost 32-36 ounces a day and me only getting 16 ounces no matter how hard I try (power pump, lactation cookies etc) it’s just not happening for me and I truly am devastated that my body won’t help nourish my kid. For background my milk supply never fucking came in. I don’t know why. (PCOS diagnosed with hormonal imbalance maybe?). I started BF from day 1 stopped at day 4 asLO was rapidly losing weight and was dehydrated and totally wanting milk which he obviously wasn’t getting from me. So started the cycle of formula feeding n me pumping. From teaspoons at day 10 to 16 ounces a day was purely my hard work with 0 support from a ‘I couldn’t care less’ hubby. I keep waiting for the day my milk supply comes in while pumping 7-8 times a day. It happened for a PCOS friend of mine at 3months PP. My supply though just never came in. I guess I don’t know what I am seeking here, maybe some support, just ranting or any suggestions if I can get my supply at least to 24-28 ounces? Do legendairy supplements work for chronic low suppliers? Or since I am combo feeding already should I throw in the towel? What’s bugging me to no end is my main milk maker right boob is now giving just 1 ounce per session after a clog that I failed to remove until 3 days. Now I get only 10-11 ounces and I am so freaking done trying to pump. Please help folks?

I am exhausted folks. Truly I am. I would keep pumping if output was good but at 18 weeks Post partum with baby boy drinking almost 32-36 ounces a day and me only getting 16 ounces no matter how hard I try (power pump, lactation cookies etc) it’s just not happening for me and I truly am devastated that my body won’t help nourish my kid. For background my milk supply never fucking came in. I don’t know why. (PCOS diagnosed with hormonal imbalance maybe?). I started BF from day 1 stopped at day 4 asLO was rapidly losing weight and was dehydrated and totally wanting milk which he obviously wasn’t getting from me. So started the cycle of formula feeding n me pumping. From teaspoons at day 10 to 16 ounces a day was purely my hard work with 0 support from a ‘I couldn’t care less’ hubby. I keep waiting for the day my milk supply comes in while pumping 7-8 times a day. It happened for a PCOS friend of mine at 3months PP. My supply though just never came in. I guess I don’t know what I am seeking here, maybe some support, just ranting or any suggestions if I can get my supply at least to 24-28 ounces? Do legendairy supplements work for chronic low suppliers? Or since I am combo feeding already should I throw in the towel? What’s bugging me to no end is my main milk maker right boob is now giving just 1 ounce per session after a clog that I failed to remove until 3 days. Now I get only 10-11 ounces and I am so freaking done trying to pump. Please help folks?
