Super light period that won't end?

Hello, I’m in my early 20s and I just graduated college and moved back home from school. This is my first period I got while being back home and all my previous ones have been normal: 5-7 days with heavy bleeding in the middle and then it ends. However, for the past 8+ days I’ve experienced a super light period that doesn’t show any signs of stopping. I’m getting really concerned and frustrated at this point because this has never happened and I don’t know what’s wrong. Could it be my body adjusting to moving (although I moved every semester)? Could it be some kind of hormonal imbalance? I’m really anxious, any advice would help.

Hello, I’m in my early 20s and I just graduated college and moved back home from school. This is my first period I got while being back home and all my previous ones have been normal: 5-7 days with heavy bleeding in the middle and then it ends. However, for the past 8+ days I’ve experienced a super light period that doesn’t show any signs of stopping. I’m getting really concerned and frustrated at this point because this has never happened and I don’t know what’s wrong. Could it be my body adjusting to moving (although I moved every semester)? Could it be some kind of hormonal imbalance? I’m really anxious, any advice would help.
