At first I thought I was asexual, but I'm really thinking it's just low libido, which sort of makes me embarrassed

Being horny is something I barely experience. I can do lewd things, say watch porn or whatever, but I don't get anything from it, maybe some of the time. I'm not sure why it's so low but it's kind of sad. Honestly I wish it was higher and don't want to be stuck with the low sex drive. I even got a blood test for a hormonal imbalance and it came back normal :/ Is there anything that I could do or anything that could be affecting me?

Being horny is something I barely experience. I can do lewd things, say watch porn or whatever, but I don't get anything from it, maybe some of the time. I'm not sure why it's so low but it's kind of sad. Honestly I wish it was higher and don't want to be stuck with the low sex drive. I even got a blood test for a hormonal imbalance and it came back normal :/ Is there anything that I could do or anything that could be affecting me?
