Can exercise permanently alter hormones?

I know that exercise can affects hormones, causing imbalances and even affect periods.

I'm 31F and I was walking a mile almost every day last year. I had a missed period and felt PMS so much more, dizziness/headaches. Also my periods got lighter. I felt that the walking was affecting me so I stopped. I haven't gone walking all year since January, maybe a few times. So its been about 6 months and I still have light periods. Is it possible that the walking could've affected my hormones permanently? Or would it have gone back to normal if I stopped walking?

I know that exercise can affects hormones, causing imbalances and even affect periods.I'm 31F and I was walking a mile almost every day last year. I had a missed period and felt PMS so much more, dizziness/headaches. Also my periods got lighter. I felt that the walking was affecting me so I stopped. I haven't gone walking all year since January, maybe a few times. So its been about 6 months and I still have light periods. Is it possible that the walking could've affected my hormones permanently? Or would it have gone back to normal if I stopped walking?
