Ceftriaoxone causing hormone imbalance, exacerbating progesterone hypersensitivity

38F 149lb 5’4” complicated medical history. Ehlers Danlos type 3, POTS, estrogen dominance, autoimmune progesterone hypersensitivity, irregular and very light periods, recently treated for Lyme disease with 40 days ceftriaoxone via central tunneled catheter. Also on buprenorphine 5mcg/hour patch for pain, amitiza, reglan, tinazidine, 2 liters per day bolus fluids.

I’ve read that ceftriaoxone can decrease estrogen and I guess I’m just wondering if that, in turn can increase progesterone. My first period on ceftriaoxone was heavier than normal which only happens when I have higher levels of progesterone. My levels are usually very low, but I can’t function with any type of exogenous progesterone and even my own makes me quite ill. I’ve noticed that I not only develop small sores when my progesterone would normally be peaking, but absolutely crippling fatigue to the point where I will fall. I get dystonia in my hands and feet so severe that my fingers subluxate and even dislocate. Brain fog to where I can barely speak. I have zero life quality when this happens, only able to stare at a wall or watch Netflix that I’ll never remember later. Nothing else seems to coincide with these episodes aside from hormones and even an endocrinologist just said “that’s strange” and ignored it.

Well, as my progesterone would be peaking and I was finishing the ceftriaoxone I had one of these episodes more severe than I’ve had in years. It’s just now getting to where I can write this. I’m to the point where I think having my ovaries removed may be the only way to stop this. A total hysterectomy wouldn’t be good for the structure of my body because everything is incredibly weak. Any ideas or information would be greatly appreciated. Everyone just says that I shouldn’t feel my best when I’m on my period, but it’s the only time of the month I can function. I’ve talked to so many doctors, but no one gets it.

Oh and the mirena IUD caused this issue continuously. I was totally bed bound. I’d had one for 5 years and started to have issues, had it replaced and within 3 years I was immobilized and the dystonia had turned almost into convulsions that would last hours. The gyno who removed it told me there was no way it was causing these problems but they improved within months once it was gone.

38F 149lb 5’4” complicated medical history. Ehlers Danlos type 3, POTS, estrogen dominance, autoimmune progesterone hypersensitivity, irregular and very light periods, recently treated for Lyme disease with 40 days ceftriaoxone via central tunneled catheter. Also on buprenorphine 5mcg/hour patch for pain, amitiza, reglan, tinazidine, 2 liters per day bolus fluids.I’ve read that ceftriaoxone can decrease estrogen and I guess I’m just wondering if that, in turn can increase progesterone. My first period on ceftriaoxone was heavier than normal which only happens when I have higher levels of progesterone. My levels are usually very low, but I can’t function with any type of exogenous progesterone and even my own makes me quite ill. I’ve noticed that I not only develop small sores when my progesterone would normally be peaking, but absolutely crippling fatigue to the point where I will fall. I get dystonia in my hands and feet so severe that my fingers subluxate and even dislocate. Brain fog to where I can barely speak. I have zero life quality when this happens, only able to stare at a wall or watch Netflix that I’ll never remember later. Nothing else seems to coincide with these episodes aside from hormones and even an endocrinologist just said “that’s strange” and ignored it.Well, as my progesterone would be peaking and I was finishing the ceftriaoxone I had one of these episodes more severe than I’ve had in years. It’s just now getting to where I can write this. I’m to the point where I think having my ovaries removed may be the only way to stop this. A total hysterectomy wouldn’t be good for the structure of my body because everything is incredibly weak. Any ideas or information would be greatly appreciated. Everyone just says that I shouldn’t feel my best when I’m on my period, but it’s the only time of the month I can function. I’ve talked to so many doctors, but no one gets it.Oh and the mirena IUD caused this issue continuously. I was totally bed bound. I’d had one for 5 years and started to have issues, had it replaced and within 3 years I was immobilized and the dystonia had turned almost into convulsions that would last hours. The gyno who removed it told me there was no way it was causing these problems but they improved within months once it was gone. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2TnDruK
