Could there be a correlation between anxiety and hormonal imbalance?


I started having anxiety ever since my dog of 11yrs passed away last aug. His passing was really traumatic for me especially when I’d remember when he started to get sick and passed away only 2 weeks after. I then started having irrational fear for my family’s health and safety. Like for example when they wouldn’t answer my call, things would immediately start going through my head and I would panoic. This anxiety got worse my friend passed away last feb because of cancer then the following month when covid cases started to spike up again. I didn’t leave the house for around 3 months. These kinds of thoughts would constantly go through my mind. To add to that, I’m currently reviewing for the bar exam and has been causing me a lot of stress and panic now that it’s 4 months away.

My period was always irregular but I’ve noticed recently, that I’ve skipped a month twice. One last nov and this March. Right now, I haven’t had my period since May. I’m just wondering, has anyone with anxiety experienced irregular periods or having extra long cycles? Could there be a correlation between anxiety and hormonal imbalance? Thinking of this is giving me anxiety too.

Hi,I started having anxiety ever since my dog of 11yrs passed away last aug. His passing was really traumatic for me especially when I’d remember when he started to get sick and passed away only 2 weeks after. I then started having irrational fear for my family’s health and safety. Like for example when they wouldn’t answer my call, things would immediately start going through my head and I would panoic. This anxiety got worse my friend passed away last feb because of cancer then the following month when covid cases started to spike up again. I didn’t leave the house for around 3 months. These kinds of thoughts would constantly go through my mind. To add to that, I’m currently reviewing for the bar exam and has been causing me a lot of stress and panic now that it’s 4 months away.My period was always irregular but I’ve noticed recently, that I’ve skipped a month twice. One last nov and this March. Right now, I haven’t had my period since May. I’m just wondering, has anyone with anxiety experienced irregular periods or having extra long cycles? Could there be a correlation between anxiety and hormonal imbalance? Thinking of this is giving me anxiety too.
