"Hormonal imbalances" pimple

So in the span of 1 fcking hour and 30 min I felt positive, energetic, hunger,used up the energy and became way more fatigue than normal so I was about to sleep, nauseous, felt super lonely and cried, horny then had the after pee so that woke me up. This was a very weird experience tbh becoz the symptoms were the most loud and clear symptoms Ive had in a while (and in such a short time) I am not close to my period at all. I feel normal now but idk wtf was that. I was thinking about this pimple I have in my chin, I got one and it left already like less than a month ago and apparently its hormonal imbalances if its in jaw/chin area??- in every pimple meaning, it meant hormonal imbalances, what does that even mean?? Explain everything plz. Btw I do know I have a ED but its not super restrictive anymore and im on a "maintenance week" I also want to note that I might have undiagnosed adhd so idk if that has anything to do with this.

So in the span of 1 fcking hour and 30 min I felt positive, energetic, hunger,used up the energy and became way more fatigue than normal so I was about to sleep, nauseous, felt super lonely and cried, horny then had the after pee so that woke me up. This was a very weird experience tbh becoz the symptoms were the most loud and clear symptoms Ive had in a while (and in such a short time) I am not close to my period at all. I feel normal now but idk wtf was that. I was thinking about this pimple I have in my chin, I got one and it left already like less than a month ago and apparently its hormonal imbalances if its in jaw/chin area??- in every pimple meaning, it meant hormonal imbalances, what does that even mean?? Explain everything plz. Btw I do know I have a ED but its not super restrictive anymore and im on a "maintenance week" I also want to note that I might have undiagnosed adhd so idk if that has anything to do with this. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3h6BrQB
