Anyone here know of or have used a very good organic USP Progesterone cream?

So I’ve been dealing with constant physical anxiety symptoms since I hit 25 years old. The awful symptoms that I have experienced for 6 years are constant trembling, vibrating, shakiness in my body, palpitations, pots and headaches. Im 31 now. I know 100% I have pmdd because my mom suffered her whole life and I have a hormonal imbalance. So 3 days ago i ordered progesto-life from Smokey mountain:

It has helped a ton! Applying it twice a day and I’m on day 20 of my cycle. I feel physically better and the internal vibrations etc have subsided. But I was wondering if anyone here knows an even better USP natural soy free Progesterone cream. I’m realizing this stuff works!!!!! Just need some advice on maybe a better cream. Thanks! Also how do you guys apply it?

So I’ve been dealing with constant physical anxiety symptoms since I hit 25 years old. The awful symptoms that I have experienced for 6 years are constant trembling, vibrating, shakiness in my body, palpitations, pots and headaches. Im 31 now. I know 100% I have pmdd because my mom suffered her whole life and I have a hormonal imbalance. So 3 days ago i ordered progesto-life from Smokey mountain: has helped a ton! Applying it twice a day and I’m on day 20 of my cycle. I feel physically better and the internal vibrations etc have subsided. But I was wondering if anyone here knows an even better USP natural soy free Progesterone cream. I’m realizing this stuff works!!!!! Just need some advice on maybe a better cream. Thanks! Also how do you guys apply it?
