Hair thinning/Loss on Birth Control

Okay so I've been on birth control(Progesterone and estrogen) to stop my cycle for about 7 years now and haven't had any problems with it.However recently i've been loosing more hair when i shower/comb/or style my hair.It's between 60-140 hairs a day which is technically normal but I've never lost that much hair on a daily to begin with.I thought I was being overdramatic but I have a thinning patch of hair on the left side of my hairline.I think it's the birth control causing it bc i haven't changed my lifestyle and I went off the birth control for a week(ran out) and the hair loss was less.I don't if it would stop that quick or not but I feel like it's the birth control.Anyways my question is do you think it's the pill or something else(if so what)?And if it is the pill what should I do?I really like my hair so i'm kinda stressing.Thanks in advance.

Edit//i'd forget days so maybe it's an hormonal imbalance thing?but i would also do that in the past and had no repercussions.

Okay so I've been on birth control(Progesterone and estrogen) to stop my cycle for about 7 years now and haven't had any problems with it.However recently i've been loosing more hair when i shower/comb/or style my hair.It's between 60-140 hairs a day which is technically normal but I've never lost that much hair on a daily to begin with.I thought I was being overdramatic but I have a thinning patch of hair on the left side of my hairline.I think it's the birth control causing it bc i haven't changed my lifestyle and I went off the birth control for a week(ran out) and the hair loss was less.I don't if it would stop that quick or not but I feel like it's the birth control.Anyways my question is do you think it's the pill or something else(if so what)?And if it is the pill what should I do?I really like my hair so i'm kinda stressing.Thanks in advance.Edit//i'd forget days so maybe it's an hormonal imbalance thing?but i would also do that in the past and had no repercussions.
