My 86 day porn-free journey!

86 days! After years and countless attempts, I finally got a solid streak going.

I'm not exactly sure what clicked in me. I knew I had my cousin's wedding coming up, I had just turned 26 and something clicked in me that let me get to 86 days.

It was awesome. It is so hard to describe the feeling but there really are incredible effects from abstaining from PMO. Being in control of your life lifts you up in ways you can't believe. There is confidence, motivation, and excitement for the day. I started going to the gym and the feeling of getting in the car -- after a good workout, rolling the windows down and blasting the music -- really is an amazing feeling and got me excited to get back there and do it again the next day.

I believe there is a hormone imbalance in people that suffer from P addiction and creates a downward spiral and allows the addiction to keep hold of you. But once you balance things out, the body starts to take care of itself. One thing I started to feel after about 20-30 days was an actual yearning to have sex. It was the first time in my adult life that I had a sex drive and I wanted to go out and find someone to have sex with. I updated my online dating profiles and was talking with women. Going on a few dates here and there. Sex never came about any of these dates but I the point is is that I was feeling something. I felt alive.

Remember that wedding I mentioned. Well that wedding happened right around this time. I was feeling great about myself and that night I started dancing with one of the bridesmaids. We ended up having an incredible night together with both of us back at my hotel room (score!). Unfortunately, we live in different states but we planned a weekend to meet up and had an awesome weekend together. I felt on top of the world.

I probably got too far ahead of myself, and might have fallen in love with this girl a little bit. Planning our next weekend together, she told me she doesn't think it's a great idea to keep on seeing each other. I didn't blame her at all, it's tough to develop a relationship with someone long distance and it was just bad timing.

But I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. I felt failure. I felt insignificance. I felt lonely and sad and that night, I ended my streak. This was 17 days ago and it has been a very tough 17 days filled with many relapses.

But that's ok. Life ebbs and flows and can be incredibly humbling. Let me remind you how "on top of the world" I felt. So while I may be down right now, I know I am going to get back to that place.

I want to thank the NoFap community for being here especially in times like this. I am somewhat new to posting but I want to congratulate all of you for finding yourself on this page and attempting to start a new chapter in this crazy thing we call life.

tl;dr: 86 days pron free makes you feel alive! Got my heart broken and relapsed but cannot wait to get back to the feeling of being in control of my life.

86 days! After years and countless attempts, I finally got a solid streak going.I'm not exactly sure what clicked in me. I knew I had my cousin's wedding coming up, I had just turned 26 and something clicked in me that let me get to 86 days.It was awesome. It is so hard to describe the feeling but there really are incredible effects from abstaining from PMO. Being in control of your life lifts you up in ways you can't believe. There is confidence, motivation, and excitement for the day. I started going to the gym and the feeling of getting in the car -- after a good workout, rolling the windows down and blasting the music -- really is an amazing feeling and got me excited to get back there and do it again the next day.I believe there is a hormone imbalance in people that suffer from P addiction and creates a downward spiral and allows the addiction to keep hold of you. But once you balance things out, the body starts to take care of itself. One thing I started to feel after about 20-30 days was an actual yearning to have sex. It was the first time in my adult life that I had a sex drive and I wanted to go out and find someone to have sex with. I updated my online dating profiles and was talking with women. Going on a few dates here and there. Sex never came about any of these dates but I the point is is that I was feeling something. I felt alive.Remember that wedding I mentioned. Well that wedding happened right around this time. I was feeling great about myself and that night I started dancing with one of the bridesmaids. We ended up having an incredible night together with both of us back at my hotel room (score!). Unfortunately, we live in different states but we planned a weekend to meet up and had an awesome weekend together. I felt on top of the world.I probably got too far ahead of myself, and might have fallen in love with this girl a little bit. Planning our next weekend together, she told me she doesn't think it's a great idea to keep on seeing each other. I didn't blame her at all, it's tough to develop a relationship with someone long distance and it was just bad timing.But I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. I felt failure. I felt insignificance. I felt lonely and sad and that night, I ended my streak. This was 17 days ago and it has been a very tough 17 days filled with many relapses.But that's ok. Life ebbs and flows and can be incredibly humbling. Let me remind you how "on top of the world" I felt. So while I may be down right now, I know I am going to get back to that place.I want to thank the NoFap community for being here especially in times like this. I am somewhat new to posting but I want to congratulate all of you for finding yourself on this page and attempting to start a new chapter in this crazy thing we call;dr: 86 days pron free makes you feel alive! Got my heart broken and relapsed but cannot wait to get back to the feeling of being in control of my life.
