My breasts randomly feel like they’re squeezing as well as a nipple that looks slanted. What’s going on?

I had 2 unfortunate D&C’s last month at 12 weeks and a few days - one to take my poor babies out and the other a few days later to get rid of the extra pregnancy tissue. Since then, I’ve had one clinical breast exam this month (there was clear discharge as well as itchy/sore/warm nipples) and my OB said that it was probably from the past pregnancy and asked if I wanted to test for a hormonal imbalance which I declined. (Not to mention, I also have slight brown discharge/spotting when wiping from time-to-time). Now I don’t know if it’s the angle or if I just didn’t notice before, but my left nipple appears to be a little slanted (like a lipstick-shaped tube in a way - only I’m not breastfeeding and have never breastfed). Anyway, I got my period on the 9th of this month which was about a month after the D&Cs, and I’ll probably get it around the same time in August.

Could the random squeezing feeling I’m getting right now be a sign of ovulation and or a hormone imbalance? As well, I was wearing a tight-ish bra for a few days (hygiene has been lacking lately due to depression) and I have naturally big breasts anyway. I have an appointment again next week Tuesday but I’m getting so scared and I just need someone to calm my anxiety a bit before then. (I am NOT pregnant. I haven’t had sex since May due to my fiance’s job being overseas).

I had 2 unfortunate D&C’s last month at 12 weeks and a few days - one to take my poor babies out and the other a few days later to get rid of the extra pregnancy tissue. Since then, I’ve had one clinical breast exam this month (there was clear discharge as well as itchy/sore/warm nipples) and my OB said that it was probably from the past pregnancy and asked if I wanted to test for a hormonal imbalance which I declined. (Not to mention, I also have slight brown discharge/spotting when wiping from time-to-time). Now I don’t know if it’s the angle or if I just didn’t notice before, but my left nipple appears to be a little slanted (like a lipstick-shaped tube in a way - only I’m not breastfeeding and have never breastfed). Anyway, I got my period on the 9th of this month which was about a month after the D&Cs, and I’ll probably get it around the same time in August.Could the random squeezing feeling I’m getting right now be a sign of ovulation and or a hormone imbalance? As well, I was wearing a tight-ish bra for a few days (hygiene has been lacking lately due to depression) and I have naturally big breasts anyway. I have an appointment again next week Tuesday but I’m getting so scared and I just need someone to calm my anxiety a bit before then. (I am NOT pregnant. I haven’t had sex since May due to my fiance’s job being overseas).
