There are five causes of Gender Dysphoria.

  1. AGP/AAP - The most common reason for MTF and the least common reason for FTM. Autogynephilia (AGP) is defined as the sexual arousal from the thought of being a woman or being feminized. The trans community likes to claim that AGP is "normal female sexuality", but this is incorrect, due to all AGP fantasies being inherently emasculation. Females are not sexually aroused by their own emasculation; therefore, AGP is a distinctly male experience. Autoandrophilia (AAP) is defined as the sexual arousal from the thought of being a man; in other words, AAP is the female version of AGP, and AAP is far less common. The majority of women with AAP are specifically aroused by the thought of being a man in a homosexual relationship; in fact, this is so common that Blanchard coined the term "autohomoeroticism" (AHE) to describe this specific type of AAP. AAP is not very common at all in the FTM community, whereas AGP is very common in the MTF community. Almost all lesbian trans women are AGP and a good amount of straight trans women (HSTS in Blanchardian terms) are also AGP, even though most people remain unaware of this fact. The MTF community is against the idea of AGP and this often will lead to gender dysphoria caused by internalized misandry. The internalized misandry is caused by the shame many men feel as a result of being AGP. This shame is behind mainstream gender ideology and the "sexed brain theory", which, in the opinion of the writer, is an incorrect theory. Brains are not sexed.
  2. Internalized Misandry / Internalized Misogyny - Quite common in both FTM and MTF is a disdain towards their respective birth sex, usually for reasons stemming from childhood. Typically the person is unaware that this is the cause for their gender dysphoria. Both female and male become this way after struggling with perceived expectations of their assigned gender at birth. Misogyny towards women is a somewhat common trait in MTF who are pre-transition or still in the closet; likewise, pre-transition FTM are often misandrist towards men. Misandry is common in the lesbian community
  3. Hormonal imbalance - This isn't what most people think it is. We are actually doing the opposite of what the treatment should be. Women with gender dysphoria are often producing too much testosterone, which is causing the dysphoria. Taking estrogen actually cures their gender dysphoria - but as of now this is never what actually happens. This imbalance is much more common in biological women, because everyone starts out female in the womb and then some will transition into male. Some females will undergo a partial transition; this typically will determine a homosexual orientation along with overactive production of testosterone. For males, environmental factors are depleting testosterone, such as Aztrazine, the worlds most used pesticide, which is famous for the way it turns male frogs into female frogs. Aztrazine depletes the testosterone of male mammals that are exposed to it as well. Again, many males would feel a great reduction in gender dysphoria if they took testosterone instead of estrogen.
  4. Internalized Homophobia - Currently this is much more common in FTM, although historically, systemic internalized homophobia was the reason for many of the early medical transitions of MTF. The idea was that it would be easier to live as a straight woman instead of an effeminate pansy-boy.
  5. Self Hatred / Lack of Control - Sometimes gender dysphoria actually is a form of body dysmorphia. This would be the type of person that goes through several identity crises during their lives. An example would be a person who is into extreme weight lifting and body building, along with excessive tattoos and piercings, who then decides to have a sex change. These people are never comfortable in their own skin and latch on to various trends in order to feel some sort of sense of identity.

There are no other reasons. No go away.

AGP/AAP - The most common reason for MTF and the least common reason for FTM. Autogynephilia (AGP) is defined as the sexual arousal from the thought of being a woman or being feminized. The trans community likes to claim that AGP is "normal female sexuality", but this is incorrect, due to all AGP fantasies being inherently emasculation. Females are not sexually aroused by their own emasculation; therefore, AGP is a distinctly male experience. Autoandrophilia (AAP) is defined as the sexual arousal from the thought of being a man; in other words, AAP is the female version of AGP, and AAP is far less common. The majority of women with AAP are specifically aroused by the thought of being a man in a homosexual relationship; in fact, this is so common that Blanchard coined the term "autohomoeroticism" (AHE) to describe this specific type of AAP. AAP is not very common at all in the FTM community, whereas AGP is very common in the MTF community. Almost all lesbian trans women are AGP and a good amount of straight trans women (HSTS in Blanchardian terms) are also AGP, even though most people remain unaware of this fact. The MTF community is against the idea of AGP and this often will lead to gender dysphoria caused by internalized misandry. The internalized misandry is caused by the shame many men feel as a result of being AGP. This shame is behind mainstream gender ideology and the "sexed brain theory", which, in the opinion of the writer, is an incorrect theory. Brains are not sexed.Internalized Misandry / Internalized Misogyny - Quite common in both FTM and MTF is a disdain towards their respective birth sex, usually for reasons stemming from childhood. Typically the person is unaware that this is the cause for their gender dysphoria. Both female and male become this way after struggling with perceived expectations of their assigned gender at birth. Misogyny towards women is a somewhat common trait in MTF who are pre-transition or still in the closet; likewise, pre-transition FTM are often misandrist towards men. Misandry is common in the lesbian communityHormonal imbalance - This isn't what most people think it is. We are actually doing the opposite of what the treatment should be. Women with gender dysphoria are often producing too much testosterone, which is causing the dysphoria. Taking estrogen actually cures their gender dysphoria - but as of now this is never what actually happens. This imbalance is much more common in biological women, because everyone starts out female in the womb and then some will transition into male. Some females will undergo a partial transition; this typically will determine a homosexual orientation along with overactive production of testosterone. For males, environmental factors are depleting testosterone, such as Aztrazine, the worlds most used pesticide, which is famous for the way it turns male frogs into female frogs. Aztrazine depletes the testosterone of male mammals that are exposed to it as well. Again, many males would feel a great reduction in gender dysphoria if they took testosterone instead of estrogen.Internalized Homophobia - Currently this is much more common in FTM, although historically, systemic internalized homophobia was the reason for many of the early medical transitions of MTF. The idea was that it would be easier to live as a straight woman instead of an effeminate pansy-boy.Self Hatred / Lack of Control - Sometimes gender dysphoria actually is a form of body dysmorphia. This would be the type of person that goes through several identity crises during their lives. An example would be a person who is into extreme weight lifting and body building, along with excessive tattoos and piercings, who then decides to have a sex change. These people are never comfortable in their own skin and latch on to various trends in order to feel some sort of sense of identity.There are no other reasons. No go away.
