Ultrasound left me feeling lost

A miserable day - ultrasound left me stumped.

Hello, I am turning to this subreddit as a worried 23 year old.

Today I had an ultrasound scan to look for cysts on my ovaries but none were found.

The short version of my story is: - I went on birth control at 16 because I had irregular periods, I came off 5 years later in December 2019 - since then I have had no period. (Roughly 18 months without menstruating) - My mum has PCOS, I have some unwanted facial hair and since I had irregular periods at 16 I thought this was a likely diagnosis. - Blood tests ruled out thyroid issues, hormone imbalances and today an ultrasound ruled out PCOS.

I have a doctors appointment booked for Tuesday but in the last 18 months I don’t feel like I have got very far with my doctor.

My question is: would today’s ultrasound have shown if I had premature ovarian failure/ early menopause? It seems like this is the only diagnosis left.

A miserable day - ultrasound left me stumped.Hello, I am turning to this subreddit as a worried 23 year old.Today I had an ultrasound scan to look for cysts on my ovaries but none were found.The short version of my story is: - I went on birth control at 16 because I had irregular periods, I came off 5 years later in December 2019 - since then I have had no period. (Roughly 18 months without menstruating) - My mum has PCOS, I have some unwanted facial hair and since I had irregular periods at 16 I thought this was a likely diagnosis. - Blood tests ruled out thyroid issues, hormone imbalances and today an ultrasound ruled out PCOS.I have a doctors appointment booked for Tuesday but in the last 18 months I don’t feel like I have got very far with my doctor.My question is: would today’s ultrasound have shown if I had premature ovarian failure/ early menopause? It seems like this is the only diagnosis left. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3C0F0R2
