
should I sue for both medical malpractice and police curruption? I need some advice and I'm completely alone on this one. I spent my entire life trying to move past this but it's taking a serious toll on my health. It already cost me my career, multiple relationships and now it's costing me my sanity and my future. Even if I am not compensated in any way…these people need to pay for what they did to me and my now deceased sister. They killed her and got away with it and the medical facility who's incompetence not only failed to save her but wouldn't even try.. there was also a surgical operation on me done at this same facility where I had a hernia surgery about a year prior when I was 2 years of age. There was some kind of complication because now I have an undescending testicle and my entire groin is consistently becoming infected causing untold amounts of pain (no it's not from STD iv been tested) it's from an excess of certain hormone called cortisol being mass produced as a result of the decrease in testosterone from the damaged testicle. and this hormone imbalance from alterations in testosterone left me with a predisposition to developing dissociative identity disorder after witnessing the accident involving my sister and the police department AND left me to also developing ulcerative colitis which is an autoimmune disorder/gastrointestinal disease. I spent a month in the hospital. I almost died, I had internal bleeding and couldn't even walk. This diagnosis of this also ruined my future in the US army before I was ever shipped out …the army also pulled my insurance when I was in the hospital so I was stuck with the bills…my life has been ruined, my sisters life was taken… I was just a kid. I was just little boy when I watched my sister killed right infront of me by some drunken asshole whose daddy used his connections as a police officer to get the case against his son dropped via some hush money chucked at me before I knew what money even was. For most of my life my earliest memory is that of seeing the lifeless corpse of my 6 year old sister. I have a feeling I might be adopted for various reasons but also because that money was supposed to be available to me for some reason I still don't understand. when I turned 18 but my “parents” stole it out of the account somehow when I turned 18… I never saw a dime of it… I was 3 she was 6 we were just kids…will someone please just help me just by hearing me out. These fuckers need to pay for what they did. I don't care how but they can't get away with this and I can't be the only one they have done this too. They need to pay…what should I do?

should I sue for both medical malpractice and police curruption? I need some advice and I'm completely alone on this one. I spent my entire life trying to move past this but it's taking a serious toll on my health. It already cost me my career, multiple relationships and now it's costing me my sanity and my future. Even if I am not compensated in any way…these people need to pay for what they did to me and my now deceased sister. They killed her and got away with it and the medical facility who's incompetence not only failed to save her but wouldn't even try.. there was also a surgical operation on me done at this same facility where I had a hernia surgery about a year prior when I was 2 years of age. There was some kind of complication because now I have an undescending testicle and my entire groin is consistently becoming infected causing untold amounts of pain (no it's not from STD iv been tested) it's from an excess of certain hormone called cortisol being mass produced as a result of the decrease in testosterone from the damaged testicle. and this hormone imbalance from alterations in testosterone left me with a predisposition to developing dissociative identity disorder after witnessing the accident involving my sister and the police department AND left me to also developing ulcerative colitis which is an autoimmune disorder/gastrointestinal disease. I spent a month in the hospital. I almost died, I had internal bleeding and couldn't even walk. This diagnosis of this also ruined my future in the US army before I was ever shipped out …the army also pulled my insurance when I was in the hospital so I was stuck with the bills…my life has been ruined, my sisters life was taken… I was just a kid. I was just little boy when I watched my sister killed right infront of me by some drunken asshole whose daddy used his connections as a police officer to get the case against his son dropped via some hush money chucked at me before I knew what money even was. For most of my life my earliest memory is that of seeing the lifeless corpse of my 6 year old sister. I have a feeling I might be adopted for various reasons but also because that money was supposed to be available to me for some reason I still don't understand. when I turned 18 but my “parents” stole it out of the account somehow when I turned 18… I never saw a dime of it… I was 3 she was 6 we were just kids…will someone please just help me just by hearing me out. These fuckers need to pay for what they did. I don't care how but they can't get away with this and I can't be the only one they have done this too. They need to pay…what should I do?
