Hypothyroidism and / or depression? Question about hypothyroidism and SSRIs

Okay, so when i was 14 i got meds against hypothyroidism (L-Thyrox from Hexal 15mg, might have a different name in english). Over the years I felt quite alright. Some minor mood swings / down phases but nothing major.

Last year was really hard for me (and for sure also lots of others). I was in an toxic (open) relationship and i also got cheated on. Adding to that i had lots of other stress (breaking off university, lack of social contact, Corona etc) and i was put on SSRIs: Escitalopram 15mg.

Since the breakup beginning of this year i started to feel better and better. But the down phases still persist.

Imagine one week feeling "good", then one bad. Then 2 weeks good, then bad again. I have a feeling it's improving, but still, it's tiring sometimes.

I am also now in a new relationship since a few months and my partner is a way better match to me than my ex, but the mood swings make it hard to enjoy it sometimes. I tend to slip into rumination and thinking about the future negatively. This is not permanent, but it swings. For example i visited my partner this week, worked from his home, we did tons of stuff and i had a lot of fun! However i didn't get to do my workout, which helps me. Yesterday I went home and i was ruminating negatively about the future again, about the distance between us, that in future if we want to move closer, one of us needs to leave the area they are living in, how hard this is going to be, what if he breaks up, what happens if we eventually move together. You get what I mean. After talking to him about that i felt way better and my mood shifted to my "old self" where i was thinking normally: it's too soon to move in, somehow it's going to work out since we are really happy with each other and to be honest, changing the city i live in sounds kinda exciting, so why worry about that?

However today i woke.up and called in sick at work. I had brain fog, low energy, i move slowly and am feeling once again down and ruminating.

And it's really hard since I never know: okay, is it an hormonal imbalance from my hypothyroidism? Is it the depression which is still there? Is it my mental health?

Ideally i would like to stop taking antidepressants but that's easier said than done and my psychologists recommends me to only do that in a few months if I'm stable. Alternatively we could try another medication, however the transitioning period could be hell and i don't know if the new SSRI could help or would be even worse for me. Something i really am not looking forward to.

After all, i am making some progress, but it is hard.

Oh i also checked my hormonal levels and according to the doctor, with my medication for hypothyroidism is everything fine and all hormonal levels are in the appropriate range.

Maybe someone can give me an recommendation? Experiences? Thanks in advance

Okay, so when i was 14 i got meds against hypothyroidism (L-Thyrox from Hexal 15mg, might have a different name in english). Over the years I felt quite alright. Some minor mood swings / down phases but nothing major.Last year was really hard for me (and for sure also lots of others). I was in an toxic (open) relationship and i also got cheated on. Adding to that i had lots of other stress (breaking off university, lack of social contact, Corona etc) and i was put on SSRIs: Escitalopram 15mg.Since the breakup beginning of this year i started to feel better and better. But the down phases still persist.Imagine one week feeling "good", then one bad. Then 2 weeks good, then bad again. I have a feeling it's improving, but still, it's tiring sometimes.I am also now in a new relationship since a few months and my partner is a way better match to me than my ex, but the mood swings make it hard to enjoy it sometimes. I tend to slip into rumination and thinking about the future negatively. This is not permanent, but it swings. For example i visited my partner this week, worked from his home, we did tons of stuff and i had a lot of fun! However i didn't get to do my workout, which helps me. Yesterday I went home and i was ruminating negatively about the future again, about the distance between us, that in future if we want to move closer, one of us needs to leave the area they are living in, how hard this is going to be, what if he breaks up, what happens if we eventually move together. You get what I mean. After talking to him about that i felt way better and my mood shifted to my "old self" where i was thinking normally: it's too soon to move in, somehow it's going to work out since we are really happy with each other and to be honest, changing the city i live in sounds kinda exciting, so why worry about that?However today i woke.up and called in sick at work. I had brain fog, low energy, i move slowly and am feeling once again down and ruminating.And it's really hard since I never know: okay, is it an hormonal imbalance from my hypothyroidism? Is it the depression which is still there? Is it my mental health?Ideally i would like to stop taking antidepressants but that's easier said than done and my psychologists recommends me to only do that in a few months if I'm stable. Alternatively we could try another medication, however the transitioning period could be hell and i don't know if the new SSRI could help or would be even worse for me. Something i really am not looking forward to.After all, i am making some progress, but it is hard.Oh i also checked my hormonal levels and according to the doctor, with my medication for hypothyroidism is everything fine and all hormonal levels are in the appropriate range.Maybe someone can give me an recommendation? Experiences? Thanks in advance https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3mOsi2u
