My (19M) girlfriend (19F) is worrying about the effects of the contraceptive pill and is saying it’s bad for her body, but has just been to a festival and taken ketamine.

Basically, my girlfriend of 3 months decided to take the combined contraceptive pill. She’s been on it for roughly a month and is getting extremely worried about it’s effects on her body (increased emotions, hormonal imbalances, etc).

She did some research and found side effects that the doctor didn’t tell her before she went on it, and wants to come off of it.

I support her 100%, it’s her body and if she wants to stop taking it, then she should. I have no problem with it.

What I have a problem with is the fact that, only two days after she told me she was worried about the pills effect on her body, she’s been to a festival and done ketamine. So much so that she’s been vomiting all day afterwards.

I’ve told her many times that I am anti-drug and against the idea of her doing it and that I don’t like it, but at the end of the day it’s her choice.

It bugged me that she decided to do it anyway, despite me saying I was against it. It’s like she doesn’t value my opinion, but it bugs me even more so because she spent an hour telling me how the pill was bad for her body. It’s extremely hypocritical and it annoys me.

How do I approach her and tell her my feelings on this?

TLDR: My girlfriend took ketamine at a festival after saying how worried she is about the contraceptive pills effect on her body.

Basically, my girlfriend of 3 months decided to take the combined contraceptive pill. She’s been on it for roughly a month and is getting extremely worried about it’s effects on her body (increased emotions, hormonal imbalances, etc).She did some research and found side effects that the doctor didn’t tell her before she went on it, and wants to come off of it.I support her 100%, it’s her body and if she wants to stop taking it, then she should. I have no problem with it.What I have a problem with is the fact that, only two days after she told me she was worried about the pills effect on her body, she’s been to a festival and done ketamine. So much so that she’s been vomiting all day afterwards.I’ve told her many times that I am anti-drug and against the idea of her doing it and that I don’t like it, but at the end of the day it’s her choice.It bugged me that she decided to do it anyway, despite me saying I was against it. It’s like she doesn’t value my opinion, but it bugs me even more so because she spent an hour telling me how the pill was bad for her body. It’s extremely hypocritical and it annoys me.How do I approach her and tell her my feelings on this?TLDR: My girlfriend took ketamine at a festival after saying how worried she is about the contraceptive pills effect on her body.
