Hormone imbalance? Maybe

So last November I started having some “random” issues. I had been on the birth control pill for awhile but all of a sudden I was having irregular periods, frequent, heavy spotting, bloating, gained weight,acne, and my hair was fragile and breaking off. After some Google searches and a negative pregnancy test I assumed it was hormone issues. The next few months it would ended up getting worse so I finally decided to go to the OBGYN (for my first time) and talk to her. She decided to change my birth control and I’m on the second month of that but still having the same issues. I know it’s too soon for the new pills to work so I’ll give it time. My doctor didn’t seem to concerned even though I have been struggling a lot with it. just reaching out to see if anyone else has had these types of problems? Or if people know another reason this could be happening? Also I am a 21y/old female and am sexually active. I’ve been on birth control pills since I was 16 and on the previous pack for probably over a year so it was to Ike it was a new pack.

So last November I started having some “random” issues. I had been on the birth control pill for awhile but all of a sudden I was having irregular periods, frequent, heavy spotting, bloating, gained weight,acne, and my hair was fragile and breaking off. After some Google searches and a negative pregnancy test I assumed it was hormone issues. The next few months it would ended up getting worse so I finally decided to go to the OBGYN (for my first time) and talk to her. She decided to change my birth control and I’m on the second month of that but still having the same issues. I know it’s too soon for the new pills to work so I’ll give it time. My doctor didn’t seem to concerned even though I have been struggling a lot with it. just reaching out to see if anyone else has had these types of problems? Or if people know another reason this could be happening? Also I am a 21y/old female and am sexually active. I’ve been on birth control pills since I was 16 and on the previous pack for probably over a year so it was to Ike it was a new pack. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/3ipHGPR
