Parents finding it hard to accept me

Hiya people, so I just had to vent here for a bit cause a lots been on my mind recently

For context I'm a Trans girl, 16, pre everything

So I recently asked my guidance counsellor to ask the teachers to refer to me with she/her pronouns and to switch my name to the female role chart when taking attendance. I was really enthusiastic about this decision and I had put a lot of thought behind it. People would be assholes about it but Ill never see them after school ends so why should I give a fuck what they think.

When I told my parents that I had done this however they were less then pleased. Whenever I talk about my gender to them they either don't understand, have a narrow-minded view of what I'm saying, or they just flat out have enough and don't want to talk about it, and it's getting too much now

Whenever i talk to them about this now, it almost feels like an interrogation session, and they constantly stand by the fact that I'm going too fast, and that if I go on hrt that it will ruin my body that god gave me (🙄). They than said that I'm essentially putting a target on my head and that they're concerned for my safety, which I mean, sure.

My dad will also say that they're are a lot of butch women or very masculine women out there, and that I don't need to be overly effeminate to be a woman. Completely missing the point that I'm not butch, and id like to be more effeminate.

They also really stand by the fact that if I transition fully, I'll eventually regret it, and what if it's just a hormonal imbalance, which is just really really invalidating of everything that I'm feeling. They then say that they used to have two sons, and two daughters, and now they have to come to terms with having three daughters.

Idk am I just getting worked up over nothing or is this a bad way to address your child, because as of now when I talk to them aboute transitioning I feel worse than I did before I talked to them. I don't know if I'm being gaslit into thinking that this is a bad idea of that I'm hurting them, but I really don't know

Sorry for the rant, this didn't really have a structure I was just rambling. Have a nice day ☺️

Hiya people, so I just had to vent here for a bit cause a lots been on my mind recentlyFor context I'm a Trans girl, 16, pre everythingSo I recently asked my guidance counsellor to ask the teachers to refer to me with she/her pronouns and to switch my name to the female role chart when taking attendance. I was really enthusiastic about this decision and I had put a lot of thought behind it. People would be assholes about it but Ill never see them after school ends so why should I give a fuck what they think.When I told my parents that I had done this however they were less then pleased. Whenever I talk about my gender to them they either don't understand, have a narrow-minded view of what I'm saying, or they just flat out have enough and don't want to talk about it, and it's getting too much nowWhenever i talk to them about this now, it almost feels like an interrogation session, and they constantly stand by the fact that I'm going too fast, and that if I go on hrt that it will ruin my body that god gave me (🙄). They than said that I'm essentially putting a target on my head and that they're concerned for my safety, which I mean, sure.My dad will also say that they're are a lot of butch women or very masculine women out there, and that I don't need to be overly effeminate to be a woman. Completely missing the point that I'm not butch, and id like to be more effeminate.They also really stand by the fact that if I transition fully, I'll eventually regret it, and what if it's just a hormonal imbalance, which is just really really invalidating of everything that I'm feeling. They then say that they used to have two sons, and two daughters, and now they have to come to terms with having three daughters.Idk am I just getting worked up over nothing or is this a bad way to address your child, because as of now when I talk to them aboute transitioning I feel worse than I did before I talked to them. I don't know if I'm being gaslit into thinking that this is a bad idea of that I'm hurting them, but I really don't knowSorry for the rant, this didn't really have a structure I was just rambling. Have a nice day ☺️
