Sorry newbie with noob questions

So 10 year since I felt a shift in my digestive habits. Had a poor-ish diet, drank quite a bit, smoked etc but had zero digestion problems - aged 30 at that time. I moved country, gave up all the above and slowly over the past decade all sorts of tummy issues have come in to play. Tummy aches, acid reflux increased, indigestion etc etc. HOWEVER, toilet habits generally okay, had a few bouts of constipation with mucus; though much more good than bad. My main question is, I really feel it isn’t food intolerance since I eat pretty much the same stuff my wife cooks and go through looong periods of being fine - then hit with bouts of stomach pain, indigestion and reflux - can IBS by a hormonal imbalance and come in various cycles with aging? If so, is there ANYTHING I can do to work on this and improve my quality of life? It’s really getting me down now. Currently unable to enjoy food and drink and during Christmas and new year that kind of sucks. I’m 40 years old now btw.

So 10 year since I felt a shift in my digestive habits. Had a poor-ish diet, drank quite a bit, smoked etc but had zero digestion problems - aged 30 at that time. I moved country, gave up all the above and slowly over the past decade all sorts of tummy issues have come in to play. Tummy aches, acid reflux increased, indigestion etc etc. HOWEVER, toilet habits generally okay, had a few bouts of constipation with mucus; though much more good than bad. My main question is, I really feel it isn’t food intolerance since I eat pretty much the same stuff my wife cooks and go through looong periods of being fine - then hit with bouts of stomach pain, indigestion and reflux - can IBS by a hormonal imbalance and come in various cycles with aging? If so, is there ANYTHING I can do to work on this and improve my quality of life? It’s really getting me down now. Currently unable to enjoy food and drink and during Christmas and new year that kind of sucks. I’m 40 years old now btw.
