The protocol that cured my chronic BV + yeast infection + IBS

I've been here only a short time and i already notice many members talking about the same problems i recently fixed after many years of trial and error and doctors neglecting me. I've been commenting and some people seem interested in my solution so i'm going to make a post about it hoping that it will help more people like me!

My main issues before this protocol:

  • IBS / Leaky gut / SIBO
  • Chronic vaginal infection (caused by soap accident)
  • Acne
  • Bad sleep patterns

Ingredients for my protocol:

  • Excellent podcast about SIBO, IBS, Candida, and pretty much the entire digestive system and its connection to your brain: IBS Freedom Podcast*
  • To understand your body in details needed to manage blood sugar levels and digestive health in correlation with your hormones: Fix Your Period* - Nicole Jardim
  • A super detailed step-by-step book about candida, although you don't necessarily need to buy and read the entire book if you find what you need from the author's free content + the mentioned podcast: The Candida Crusher by Eric Bakker*


Probiotics (taken on empty stomach, preferably morning + night):

  • Reuteri, Rhamnous, S. Boulardii*, spore-based probiotics (SIBO-friendly)

Biofilm breakers and immune boosters (also best taken in between meals on empty stomach, but maybe not at the exact same time as the probiotics):

  • Propolis, lactoferrin

Vitamins that are important to maintain but not overdo:

  • Zinc, iron, vit C, vit D

For people with leaky gut/ibs/ibd/crohns/colitis:

  • Hydrolized Guar Gum (30 mins after lunch/dinner)
  • Glutamine (on empty stomach)Kickstart your protocol by only consuming homemade bone broth with olive oil for 3 days to reset your stomach before you make sure to eat low-fodmap, low-oxalate, gluten-free, low-sugar food (fruits are ok, even if some people think this is not good on a candida diet for example, it's up to each person to check which foods they react to and make their own ideal diet based on this), and most important of all: different kinds of complex carbs and resistant starches.

For people suffering heartburn, weak nails, hairloss, yeast infection, indigestion:

Betaine + pepsine before every meal (or apple cider vinegar in water, although it's cheaper and not as effective for most)

Enzymes with meals

Topical treatment while doing this, or for anyone who seeks instant relief or who got a local infection that they think they may rid themselves of without it getting chronic:

  • Boric acid pill inside the vagina every night (may be made by yourself at home with the help of food grade gel capsules*)
  • Probiotics or lactic acid inside the vagina every morning
  • Consider growing out your pubes a little by the entrance so that your flora is protected and maintained. This makes it possible to simply dab some probiotic on the outside and let them do their wonders without risking irritation or imbalance, for example for those who wants to use yogurt but find it uncomfortable or who are extra sensitive (like me!)

You may make your own yogurt*, preferably with Reuteri and Rhamnous bacteria, buy lactic acid pills, or use another way of probiotic of your choice, whether it be probiotic powder for consumption\* or probiotics marketed for vaginas specifically* although this is so expensive i suggest you also plan for something you can use over a longer course than a week in case it takes longer or you need maintenance during periods.

NB: this reuteri and rhamnous yogurt is also insanely good for your stomach and is often tolerable by sensitive people

Explanation behind my protocol:

PH values, blood sugar, cortisol levels and microflora are everything to our bodies.

PH: If your stomach is too basic, it's easy for things to go wrong with the rest of your body including the vaginal PH. Too high PH values result in non-beneficial bacteria and fungi (candida) to live inside your digestive system and vagina. Avoid acid blockers as if your life depends on it for this reason! Many docs prescribe acid-blockers to people who experience heartburn even though most people suffer heartburn because of lacking stomach acid* rather than having too much of it.

Blood sugar: Blood sugar and hormones are closely linked. Most women don't know this and at some times in our cycle, for example close to our menstruation, the hormonal changes and the instability it causes the blood sugar causes candida to thrive more - at a time where we crave sugary and carby foods the most! It's a truly sick world we live in but luckily this is easily manageable by consuming the right carbs, proteins and starches at the right time (or all the time, really). For people who borderline diabetic patterns, berberine is a wonderful herb for lowering blood sugar levels* BUT this should only be consumed if you're sure that your blood sugar is too high already, or else you will suffer low blood sugar.

Cortisol levels: When blood sugar is low, cortisol is produced to produce glucose. Cortisol is also produces when we are stressed, whether it be because we're happily working (out) or suffering physically, mentally or spiritually. Sleep, hydration, relaxation, therapy and good management of everyday life is the only real cure to high cortisol levels, but this is also immensely improved with a diet that supports your microflora, blood sugar levels, and YOU, in all its entirety. I strongly recommend acupressure at home*.

Microflora: Our immune system, digestive system, vaginal system and mental state of mind all rely on our microflora*

Antibiotics should be avoided by all means necessary and only consumed in cases where nothing else is possible, this is more important than ever seeing as antibiotics are getting increasingly useless and part of the reason is not only bacteria's resistance to it, but the fungis that inevitably arise from it and their fast paced development as they're allowed to thrive. If you've ever undergone a course of antibiotics, the chance that you're having either a low key or full blown candida infection is fairly high and although it might not hurt you so much you realize it's there, it's known for causing chronic misdiagnosed BV, yeast infections, IBS, insomnia, acne, depression and many other "small" or rather big but advanced problems that usually get blamed on anything but candida by common medicine.

All of these symptoms were "magically" removed for me when i started treating my self-diagnosed candida infection, and some of these had been discussed with doctors many years ago without much help other than antibiotics or topical creams that didn't work but made the problems worse as time went by.

The reason why this is important for this subreddit

Vaginal problems rarely stay unless the body, and in particular the digestive system, is imbalanced. Women are seriously lacking of understanding of their own bodies since this is not covered by regular education and media, our bodies are rarely understood even by doctors even when theory and science exist in detail about it because it's considered expertise and not common medicine. No matter what your problem is, i'm sure some or all of this information will be useful to you as long as you carry an X chromosome (or even if you don't, knowledge about carbs, proteins, starches and microflora is a underestimated subject!)

For women who has struggled with an unhealthy hooha for a long time with no luck finding a competent doctor to help, this is a great place to start, and hopefully stop, too. The greatest gift of being blessed with the living hell that is vaginal infection is the life-long knowledge about our bodies that will make us less of a slave and more of a partner to our bodies, something everyone will thank themselves for endlessly. Best of luck to all of my sisters!

  • All links* are found in my comment because of sub rules regarding links
I've been here only a short time and i already notice many members talking about the same problems i recently fixed after many years of trial and error and doctors neglecting me. I've been commenting and some people seem interested in my solution so i'm going to make a post about it hoping that it will help more people like me!My main issues before this protocol:IBS / Leaky gut / SIBOChronic vaginal infection (caused by soap accident)AcneBad sleep patternsIngredients for my protocol:Excellent podcast about SIBO, IBS, Candida, and pretty much the entire digestive system and its connection to your brain: IBS Freedom Podcast*To understand your body in details needed to manage blood sugar levels and digestive health in correlation with your hormones: Fix Your Period* - Nicole JardimA super detailed step-by-step book about candida, although you don't necessarily need to buy and read the entire book if you find what you need from the author's free content + the mentioned podcast: The Candida Crusher by Eric Bakker*Supplements:Probiotics (taken on empty stomach, preferably morning + night):Reuteri, Rhamnous, S. Boulardii*, spore-based probiotics (SIBO-friendly)Biofilm breakers and immune boosters (also best taken in between meals on empty stomach, but maybe not at the exact same time as the probiotics):Propolis, lactoferrinVitamins that are important to maintain but not overdo:Zinc, iron, vit C, vit DFor people with leaky gut/ibs/ibd/crohns/colitis:Hydrolized Guar Gum (30 mins after lunch/dinner)Glutamine (on empty stomach)Kickstart your protocol by only consuming homemade bone broth with olive oil for 3 days to reset your stomach before you make sure to eat low-fodmap, low-oxalate, gluten-free, low-sugar food (fruits are ok, even if some people think this is not good on a candida diet for example, it's up to each person to check which foods they react to and make their own ideal diet based on this), and most important of all: different kinds of complex carbs and resistant starches.For people suffering heartburn, weak nails, hairloss, yeast infection, indigestion:Betaine + pepsine before every meal (or apple cider vinegar in water, although it's cheaper and not as effective for most)Enzymes with mealsTopical treatment while doing this, or for anyone who seeks instant relief or who got a local infection that they think they may rid themselves of without it getting chronic:Boric acid pill inside the vagina every night (may be made by yourself at home with the help of food grade gel capsules*)Probiotics or lactic acid inside the vagina every morningConsider growing out your pubes a little by the entrance so that your flora is protected and maintained. This makes it possible to simply dab some probiotic on the outside and let them do their wonders without risking irritation or imbalance, for example for those who wants to use yogurt but find it uncomfortable or who are extra sensitive (like me!)You may make your own yogurt*, preferably with Reuteri and Rhamnous bacteria, buy lactic acid pills, or use another way of probiotic of your choice, whether it be probiotic powder for consumption\* or probiotics marketed for vaginas specifically* although this is so expensive i suggest you also plan for something you can use over a longer course than a week in case it takes longer or you need maintenance during periods.NB: this reuteri and rhamnous yogurt is also insanely good for your stomach and is often tolerable by sensitive peopleExplanation behind my protocol:PH values, blood sugar, cortisol levels and microflora are everything to our bodies.PH: If your stomach is too basic, it's easy for things to go wrong with the rest of your body including the vaginal PH. Too high PH values result in non-beneficial bacteria and fungi (candida) to live inside your digestive system and vagina. Avoid acid blockers as if your life depends on it for this reason! Many docs prescribe acid-blockers to people who experience heartburn even though most people suffer heartburn because of lacking stomach acid* rather than having too much of it.Blood sugar: Blood sugar and hormones are closely linked. Most women don't know this and at some times in our cycle, for example close to our menstruation, the hormonal changes and the instability it causes the blood sugar causes candida to thrive more - at a time where we crave sugary and carby foods the most! It's a truly sick world we live in but luckily this is easily manageable by consuming the right carbs, proteins and starches at the right time (or all the time, really). For people who borderline diabetic patterns, berberine is a wonderful herb for lowering blood sugar levels* BUT this should only be consumed if you're sure that your blood sugar is too high already, or else you will suffer low blood sugar.Cortisol levels: When blood sugar is low, cortisol is produced to produce glucose. Cortisol is also produces when we are stressed, whether it be because we're happily working (out) or suffering physically, mentally or spiritually. Sleep, hydration, relaxation, therapy and good management of everyday life is the only real cure to high cortisol levels, but this is also immensely improved with a diet that supports your microflora, blood sugar levels, and YOU, in all its entirety. I strongly recommend acupressure at home*.Microflora: Our immune system, digestive system, vaginal system and mental state of mind all rely on our microflora*Antibiotics should be avoided by all means necessary and only consumed in cases where nothing else is possible, this is more important than ever seeing as antibiotics are getting increasingly useless and part of the reason is not only bacteria's resistance to it, but the fungis that inevitably arise from it and their fast paced development as they're allowed to thrive. If you've ever undergone a course of antibiotics, the chance that you're having either a low key or full blown candida infection is fairly high and although it might not hurt you so much you realize it's there, it's known for causing chronic misdiagnosed BV, yeast infections, IBS, insomnia, acne, depression and many other "small" or rather big but advanced problems that usually get blamed on anything but candida by common medicine.All of these symptoms were "magically" removed for me when i started treating my self-diagnosed candida infection, and some of these had been discussed with doctors many years ago without much help other than antibiotics or topical creams that didn't work but made the problems worse as time went by.The reason why this is important for this subredditVaginal problems rarely stay unless the body, and in particular the digestive system, is imbalanced. Women are seriously lacking of understanding of their own bodies since this is not covered by regular education and media, our bodies are rarely understood even by doctors even when theory and science exist in detail about it because it's considered expertise and not common medicine. No matter what your problem is, i'm sure some or all of this information will be useful to you as long as you carry an X chromosome (or even if you don't, knowledge about carbs, proteins, starches and microflora is a underestimated subject!)For women who has struggled with an unhealthy hooha for a long time with no luck finding a competent doctor to help, this is a great place to start, and hopefully stop, too. The greatest gift of being blessed with the living hell that is vaginal infection is the life-long knowledge about our bodies that will make us less of a slave and more of a partner to our bodies, something everyone will thank themselves for endlessly. Best of luck to all of my sisters!All links* are found in my comment because of sub rules regarding links
