Birth Control Useful if Periods are Normal?

Newly diagnosed. Going to discuss things with doctor more next week about treatment options. Immediate offer was Birth Control but I get the vibe that it is offered because that's the go to PCOS med.

But I do not have irregular periods. Occasionally very heavy but they don't seem abnormal.

My big symptoms are the hirsutism, oily hair/skin, and issues with weight gain/distribution (In sure related to Insulin resistance)

Only hormone imbalance was high Free Testosterone (regular testosterone is normal) and high DHEA-S. Every other hormone in normal range.

I know I'm going to get real medical advice from my doctor but from my research I've gathered that diet and exercise is key, and that meds mostly mask or Control symptoms. Does anyone with normal periods use birth control? Does it help the androgen levels etc?

I'm on Metformin already and planning to start Spironolactone (I have prescription anxiety and it can take me some courage to start new meds 😑)

TLDR: Any experience on how birth control helps PCOS if you have normal periods?

Thanks for any insights you can share :)

Newly diagnosed. Going to discuss things with doctor more next week about treatment options. Immediate offer was Birth Control but I get the vibe that it is offered because that's the go to PCOS med.But I do not have irregular periods. Occasionally very heavy but they don't seem abnormal.My big symptoms are the hirsutism, oily hair/skin, and issues with weight gain/distribution (In sure related to Insulin resistance)Only hormone imbalance was high Free Testosterone (regular testosterone is normal) and high DHEA-S. Every other hormone in normal range.I know I'm going to get real medical advice from my doctor but from my research I've gathered that diet and exercise is key, and that meds mostly mask or Control symptoms. Does anyone with normal periods use birth control? Does it help the androgen levels etc?I'm on Metformin already and planning to start Spironolactone (I have prescription anxiety and it can take me some courage to start new meds 😑)TLDR: Any experience on how birth control helps PCOS if you have normal periods?Thanks for any insights you can share :)
