Fluid retention or puffy face from stopping birth control

Has anyone experienced face puffiness from birth control? Originally I was taking Viorele to regulate my periods and hormones which was working but it never got rid of my acne. I was on Viorele for 10-11 months. During this time I wasn’t sexually actively and it didn’t help my acne so I was determined to find a birth control that would control or get rid of acne. So I tried like 4 different birth controls in the span of 2 months (I know I was f****** up my body and hormones smh). Anyway I tried Yaz, Tri-lo-sprintec, Junel Fe, and Apri. My skin and body was nice on Yaz but something was off about my face I can’t explain it. I just looked weird in the face but my skin was clearing up and I was losing belly fat so I switched. Every pill I switched to just kept messing up my hormones causing my face to look weird. After all the trial and error I just went cold turkey and got off birth control. Now the problem with that is my face did return back to normal but it was just really puffy like I had moon face. My hormones were out of whack obviously. I experience symptoms like I’m on my period everyday like PMS symptoms. I use to cry about everything but it’s getting better. I was trying to figure out why my face looks so full I compared other pictures and it looks like I picked up weight. Which I haven’t I’m a slim person. And have been the same weight all year. But now I think since I jacked up my hormones I have a lot of fluid retention in my face. I’m seeing a GYNO this month but wanted to see if a hormone imbalance has caused face swelling.

Has anyone experienced face puffiness from birth control? Originally I was taking Viorele to regulate my periods and hormones which was working but it never got rid of my acne. I was on Viorele for 10-11 months. During this time I wasn’t sexually actively and it didn’t help my acne so I was determined to find a birth control that would control or get rid of acne. So I tried like 4 different birth controls in the span of 2 months (I know I was f****** up my body and hormones smh). Anyway I tried Yaz, Tri-lo-sprintec, Junel Fe, and Apri. My skin and body was nice on Yaz but something was off about my face I can’t explain it. I just looked weird in the face but my skin was clearing up and I was losing belly fat so I switched. Every pill I switched to just kept messing up my hormones causing my face to look weird. After all the trial and error I just went cold turkey and got off birth control. Now the problem with that is my face did return back to normal but it was just really puffy like I had moon face. My hormones were out of whack obviously. I experience symptoms like I’m on my period everyday like PMS symptoms. I use to cry about everything but it’s getting better. I was trying to figure out why my face looks so full I compared other pictures and it looks like I picked up weight. Which I haven’t I’m a slim person. And have been the same weight all year. But now I think since I jacked up my hormones I have a lot of fluid retention in my face. I’m seeing a GYNO this month but wanted to see if a hormone imbalance has caused face swelling. https://ift.tt/KAVxdj5 https://ift.tt/HYw47kF
