Need Help Finding A Counsellor In KTM

Hi guys. I am a 21 y/o female and in need of a therapist for personal counseling.

I get emotionally overwhelmed every now and then and at such moments start questioning my worth and the sad thoughts follow.

However, these emotions stay in the back of my head in most days and strike me back and hard mostly when I am pms-ing ( Pre-menstrual syndrome). Maybe its the hormones during this time causing emotional imbalance.

And hence, to understand whats going on better I need help. Can anyone of you suggest counsellors or therapists around the valley along with the charges they take per session?

Hi guys. I am a 21 y/o female and in need of a therapist for personal counseling.I get emotionally overwhelmed every now and then and at such moments start questioning my worth and the sad thoughts follow.However, these emotions stay in the back of my head in most days and strike me back and hard mostly when I am pms-ing ( Pre-menstrual syndrome). Maybe its the hormones during this time causing emotional imbalance.And hence, to understand whats going on better I need help. Can anyone of you suggest counsellors or therapists around the valley along with the charges they take per session?
