Ovulation and mental health

I wrote a post on reddit before thinking I'm suffering PMDD. Had my first lap for severe endo stage 4 Nov 30th and on my 2nd ovulation round now. Didn't have a period for 3 months and that was great. As soon as my period started again I started to become mentally unstable (crying spells/bad depression/anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, hyperventilation, fatigue, loads of muscle pain and restlessness)

But I'm ovulating right now. I use an app that tells me this. And I've noticed I feel so much better during ovulation then my period. I feel like shit 2 weeks out of the month because of pmdd or hormonal imbalance. But the few around ovulation I feel so much better.

Why is this? Is this progesterone? I think progesterone is called the calming hormone right? The weird thing is, is that when I take progestagin hormones like cerazette (desogestrel) I feel mentally fucked up. My body is in less pain but my mind isn't well. I'm so so sensitive to hormonal imbalances. I should use some form of hormonal bc. But it makes me mentally ill. It sucks.

I wonder if progesterone creams will help me. Are they safe?

I wrote a post on reddit before thinking I'm suffering PMDD. Had my first lap for severe endo stage 4 Nov 30th and on my 2nd ovulation round now. Didn't have a period for 3 months and that was great. As soon as my period started again I started to become mentally unstable (crying spells/bad depression/anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, hyperventilation, fatigue, loads of muscle pain and restlessness)But I'm ovulating right now. I use an app that tells me this. And I've noticed I feel so much better during ovulation then my period. I feel like shit 2 weeks out of the month because of pmdd or hormonal imbalance. But the few around ovulation I feel so much better.Why is this? Is this progesterone? I think progesterone is called the calming hormone right? The weird thing is, is that when I take progestagin hormones like cerazette (desogestrel) I feel mentally fucked up. My body is in less pain but my mind isn't well. I'm so so sensitive to hormonal imbalances. I should use some form of hormonal bc. But it makes me mentally ill. It sucks.I wonder if progesterone creams will help me. Are they safe? https://ift.tt/kAGLQts https://ift.tt/K4o7OcE
