I hate not being taken seriously because I'm too young

I'm 18 and I wish adults would freaking listen to me and stop telling me this is no big deal. I've known I might have PCOS since I was 14, always had irregular periods and hirsutism but when I got acne this summer I started lurking on this sub and reading a lot. Last month I got the courage to see an endo, but she only suggested a few PCOS labs and more thyroid tests (my thyroid is fine), diagnosed me with PCOS and prescribed me birth control. Well my free testosterone was just slightly elevated and that made me a bit suspicious. That's why I did another set of blood tests for dheas, estradiol, shbg, insulin resistance and total testosterone just to be sure before I try managing my symptoms holistically.

The problem is my mom started telling everyone of my diagnosis and her friends asked to see and talk to me in private. Well turns out they scolded me for requesting blood tests by myself. I felt so terrible and my explanations of the effects of insulin resistance were completely ignored. They also reduced my symptoms to "a short time hormonal imbalance that will be treated by the right doctor". So they set me up with a gyno, cause I didn't have any sort of ultrasound, idk how my ovaries are. That's the good part of this story, I appreciate that, but now I'm so discouraged to advocate for my needs and fears regarding long time birth control administration and side effects that I'm expecting to be shut down by this new doctor just like I was by my family and other aquaintances 😭

I hate being belittled just because I'm 18 and adults know better than me and having my symptoms swept under the rug

I'm 18 and I wish adults would freaking listen to me and stop telling me this is no big deal. I've known I might have PCOS since I was 14, always had irregular periods and hirsutism but when I got acne this summer I started lurking on this sub and reading a lot. Last month I got the courage to see an endo, but she only suggested a few PCOS labs and more thyroid tests (my thyroid is fine), diagnosed me with PCOS and prescribed me birth control. Well my free testosterone was just slightly elevated and that made me a bit suspicious. That's why I did another set of blood tests for dheas, estradiol, shbg, insulin resistance and total testosterone just to be sure before I try managing my symptoms holistically.The problem is my mom started telling everyone of my diagnosis and her friends asked to see and talk to me in private. Well turns out they scolded me for requesting blood tests by myself. I felt so terrible and my explanations of the effects of insulin resistance were completely ignored. They also reduced my symptoms to "a short time hormonal imbalance that will be treated by the right doctor". So they set me up with a gyno, cause I didn't have any sort of ultrasound, idk how my ovaries are. That's the good part of this story, I appreciate that, but now I'm so discouraged to advocate for my needs and fears regarding long time birth control administration and side effects that I'm expecting to be shut down by this new doctor just like I was by my family and other aquaintances 😭I hate being belittled just because I'm 18 and adults know better than me and having my symptoms swept under the rug https://ift.tt/eGhgzQk https://ift.tt/62ULNtl
