idk what to do anymore tbh

He says he still loves me, but hasn't really shown it in ages. Not the way that he used to. Like, before he would grab my hand while we were walking. He would initiate hugs. He would ask for cuddles. Nowadays all he does is grope me and the most physical affection I get is sex. Maybe he'll drape an arm over me when we go to sleep. He kisses me when he gets home from work. That's... about all I can think of off the top of my head. He doesn't even comfort me when I cry anymore.

I used to have a high sex drive but I have PCOS and hypothyroidism so my libido is fucking gone now, as of a little over a year ago. Nowadays, I could go months without sex and be fine. It's affected us both, but for me, it's like I lost a part of me. And he's not helping. Every time it comes up, he talks in this defeated tone. He makes subtle jabs all the time and he says he's joking, and he half is, but I know he's actually upset about it. That part is my fault, admittedly. It's my body that failed. I wish I could magically fix it. But the most I can do right now is take the meds perscribed and hope it helps someday.

I pour out my heart to him and tell him how I feel and the most I get is some half hearted suggestions. Most of the time it's "I don't know what you want me to do" and complete and utter silence after I've said my piece. He used to talk to me. He used to send multiple paragraphs telling me how he felt and how much he loved me and that everything would be OK. He would hold me while I cried. Now he just gets mad and says comforting me "does nothing so why should I bother?" and ignores me. Today I tried to talk to him again. I tried to tell him how little I feel he cares. That it feels like he probably loves me, but doesn't like me anymore. The most he did was suggest maybe he has PTSD from a deployment, which is extremely likely, in all fairness. Said maybe he'd try therapy but doesn't want to admit somethings wrong so he didn't want to. But I got no hug, no kiss, no reassurance that he would try to fix things. When we went to bed he immediately turned away from me to sleep.

I've been crying and deeply upset for like 3 days now. He's offered me no comfort, just ignored me. Idk what to do other than just give up and ask for a divorce so I don't have to hold onto some false hope that he's miraculously gonna become who he was 2 years ago. Idk, maybe I'm over-sensitive and having some hormonal imbalance-related meltdown. I'm so lost.

He says he still loves me, but hasn't really shown it in ages. Not the way that he used to. Like, before he would grab my hand while we were walking. He would initiate hugs. He would ask for cuddles. Nowadays all he does is grope me and the most physical affection I get is sex. Maybe he'll drape an arm over me when we go to sleep. He kisses me when he gets home from work. That's... about all I can think of off the top of my head. He doesn't even comfort me when I cry anymore.I used to have a high sex drive but I have PCOS and hypothyroidism so my libido is fucking gone now, as of a little over a year ago. Nowadays, I could go months without sex and be fine. It's affected us both, but for me, it's like I lost a part of me. And he's not helping. Every time it comes up, he talks in this defeated tone. He makes subtle jabs all the time and he says he's joking, and he half is, but I know he's actually upset about it. That part is my fault, admittedly. It's my body that failed. I wish I could magically fix it. But the most I can do right now is take the meds perscribed and hope it helps someday.I pour out my heart to him and tell him how I feel and the most I get is some half hearted suggestions. Most of the time it's "I don't know what you want me to do" and complete and utter silence after I've said my piece. He used to talk to me. He used to send multiple paragraphs telling me how he felt and how much he loved me and that everything would be OK. He would hold me while I cried. Now he just gets mad and says comforting me "does nothing so why should I bother?" and ignores me. Today I tried to talk to him again. I tried to tell him how little I feel he cares. That it feels like he probably loves me, but doesn't like me anymore. The most he did was suggest maybe he has PTSD from a deployment, which is extremely likely, in all fairness. Said maybe he'd try therapy but doesn't want to admit somethings wrong so he didn't want to. But I got no hug, no kiss, no reassurance that he would try to fix things. When we went to bed he immediately turned away from me to sleep.I've been crying and deeply upset for like 3 days now. He's offered me no comfort, just ignored me. Idk what to do other than just give up and ask for a divorce so I don't have to hold onto some false hope that he's miraculously gonna become who he was 2 years ago. Idk, maybe I'm over-sensitive and having some hormonal imbalance-related meltdown. I'm so lost.
