Leptin Resistance

Hey all, So I moved out of a moldy house 6 months ago, but then the apt I moved into also ended up having mold (started getting all symptoms back when I turned the heat on). I’m out of both those situations and starting to detox (with bentonite clay, okra, and cellcore biotoxin binder, along with saunas). During my last exposure I noticed my hormones got all out of whack, And my previous 28-30 day menstrual cycle went a bit crazy and shrank down to 21 days. Around this time I noticed a huge increase in hunger. I couldn’t tell if it was because my hormones were messed up, or something else. It’s been a month or so, and I’ve been feeling much better detoxing, but I’m still experiencing the extreme hunger.

Has anyone experienced extreme hunger, hormonal imbalances or leptin resistance as part of their mold symptoms? And does it get better?? I’m prepared to resist the extreme hunger if it only lasts for a couple more months now that I’m out of mold and actively detoxing, but I don’t know if I can last much longer than that. It just feels like I’m never full. I’ve tried eating different macro ratios and nothing seems to be helping (I already eat a Whole Foods, unprocessed diet).

Hey all, So I moved out of a moldy house 6 months ago, but then the apt I moved into also ended up having mold (started getting all symptoms back when I turned the heat on). I’m out of both those situations and starting to detox (with bentonite clay, okra, and cellcore biotoxin binder, along with saunas). During my last exposure I noticed my hormones got all out of whack, And my previous 28-30 day menstrual cycle went a bit crazy and shrank down to 21 days. Around this time I noticed a huge increase in hunger. I couldn’t tell if it was because my hormones were messed up, or something else. It’s been a month or so, and I’ve been feeling much better detoxing, but I’m still experiencing the extreme hunger.Has anyone experienced extreme hunger, hormonal imbalances or leptin resistance as part of their mold symptoms? And does it get better?? I’m prepared to resist the extreme hunger if it only lasts for a couple more months now that I’m out of mold and actively detoxing, but I don’t know if I can last much longer than that. It just feels like I’m never full. I’ve tried eating different macro ratios and nothing seems to be helping (I already eat a Whole Foods, unprocessed diet). https://ift.tt/16TYuRC https://ift.tt/xmd3JeY
