My relationship feels more like a baggage or chore rather than love

As the title suggest, me (25m) and my girlfriend (26f) are in relationship for almost 2 years. It used to be really wholesome and full of sex, we'd see each other almost every day. Fastforward today she was diagnosed with thyroid hormone imbalance, therefore she needed to completely change her lifestyle, eating habits and take medications.

She became really stressed and depressed because of it, and before judging me, let me be clear. I LOVE HER and I was present at every single medical examination with her, there was not one time when she was feeling bad or sad and I was far away, I'm her rock and best support I can be.

Lately it started to feel extremely difficult as I've been putting with this for almost a year. She has insane mood swings due to her medications, almost non existent libido (we're in our mid 20's but we have times like twice month, and sometimes we dont have it for 6-7-8 weeks). She's unable to put effort into the relationship as she works, has to cook her own food and eat only that sort of thing. Im honestly mentally drained from all of this, she's going through hell and I'm always there for her but It just feels more like taking care of someone than being in love, hell sometimes I don't even know what I feel like about her

I used to be pretty sad because of the fact that we can't see each other every day, but we still hanged out like 5 times per week. I used to do meaningless stuff to kill time and just daydreamed about with her, but nowdays seeing each other even once per week simply feels like too much as I know she will have mood swings, strict diet, and just ramble about depressing stuff. We talked about her going to the therapy but she simply rejects the idea, as she has already enough on her plate.

Sometimes it just kills my mood when I know I gotta see her that day as I promised that. Sex is almost nonexistent, and it came to the point I can legit pinpoint the dates when we had sex last time. She can't put effort as taking care of herself is already difficult and I completely understand that. I can't breakup with her because of my feelings and I know she needs me now more than ever, but yet I think I'm slowly losing feelings. What to do??

TL:DR My girlfriend was diagnosed with something that completely changed her libido, personality and spirit and I feel drained

As the title suggest, me (25m) and my girlfriend (26f) are in relationship for almost 2 years. It used to be really wholesome and full of sex, we'd see each other almost every day. Fastforward today she was diagnosed with thyroid hormone imbalance, therefore she needed to completely change her lifestyle, eating habits and take medications.She became really stressed and depressed because of it, and before judging me, let me be clear. I LOVE HER and I was present at every single medical examination with her, there was not one time when she was feeling bad or sad and I was far away, I'm her rock and best support I can be.Lately it started to feel extremely difficult as I've been putting with this for almost a year. She has insane mood swings due to her medications, almost non existent libido (we're in our mid 20's but we have times like twice month, and sometimes we dont have it for 6-7-8 weeks). She's unable to put effort into the relationship as she works, has to cook her own food and eat only that sort of thing. Im honestly mentally drained from all of this, she's going through hell and I'm always there for her but It just feels more like taking care of someone than being in love, hell sometimes I don't even know what I feel like about herI used to be pretty sad because of the fact that we can't see each other every day, but we still hanged out like 5 times per week. I used to do meaningless stuff to kill time and just daydreamed about with her, but nowdays seeing each other even once per week simply feels like too much as I know she will have mood swings, strict diet, and just ramble about depressing stuff. We talked about her going to the therapy but she simply rejects the idea, as she has already enough on her plate.Sometimes it just kills my mood when I know I gotta see her that day as I promised that. Sex is almost nonexistent, and it came to the point I can legit pinpoint the dates when we had sex last time. She can't put effort as taking care of herself is already difficult and I completely understand that. I can't breakup with her because of my feelings and I know she needs me now more than ever, but yet I think I'm slowly losing feelings. What to do??TL:DR My girlfriend was diagnosed with something that completely changed her libido, personality and spirit and I feel drained
