Numbness/blurry vision/imbalanced sensation, has been recurring for 10 months now

Age 26

Sex F

Height 5 4

Weight 120 lbs

Race Asian

Duration of complaint 10 months

Location California

Any existing relevant medical issues

Current medications

Include a photo if relevant

Whole body and face feels weightless/numb

  • Body doesn't feel "grounded" or "weighted" - tried taking deep breaths but I don't get that feeling of relief and groundedness when you breathe out. Sit on couch/lie down, expect to feel that relieved grounded feeling but body still feels weightless

  • slightly blurry vision - it's difficult to focus on text ( have had perfect vision all of my life )

  • imbalanced (on a boat) sensation

Didn't want to put too much in one post, thought i'd focus on just one set of symptoms, but for context i rotate between this set and {pain/tenderness in face & head, a tight tugging feeling}

Events that happened around the same time this all started, but may or may not be related: {braces, chiro, covid vaccinations}

Could it be a hormonal imbalance? a blood circulation issue? muscle tightness? it's interesting that it's the whole body though

So far I've seen an oral surgeon, a neurologist, and an ophthalmologist. Been diagnosed with TMJD but oral surgeon said only my pains sound like TMJD, not this set of symptoms.

Age 26Sex FHeight 5 4Weight 120 lbsRace AsianDuration of complaint 10 monthsLocation CaliforniaAny existing relevant medical issuesCurrent medicationsInclude a photo if relevantWhole body and face feels weightless/numbBody doesn't feel "grounded" or "weighted" - tried taking deep breaths but I don't get that feeling of relief and groundedness when you breathe out. Sit on couch/lie down, expect to feel that relieved grounded feeling but body still feels weightlessslightly blurry vision - it's difficult to focus on text ( have had perfect vision all of my life )imbalanced (on a boat) sensationDidn't want to put too much in one post, thought i'd focus on just one set of symptoms, but for context i rotate between this set and {pain/tenderness in face & head, a tight tugging feeling}Events that happened around the same time this all started, but may or may not be related: {braces, chiro, covid vaccinations}Could it be a hormonal imbalance? a blood circulation issue? muscle tightness? it's interesting that it's the whole body thoughSo far I've seen an oral surgeon, a neurologist, and an ophthalmologist. Been diagnosed with TMJD but oral surgeon said only my pains sound like TMJD, not this set of symptoms.
