Possible endometrial hyperplasia, doctor not available to discuss

I had an operative hysteroscopy last week to remove a uterine polyp. Surgery went well, they got the polyp, said it was small, everything else looks fine, just have to send it out for pathology. OK great.

Well, I happen to have an account with the lab they use - don't even remember creating it but prob had to in order to get results of a COVID test or something. So every time my clinic sends stuff out to this lab, the lab emails results to me directly. Going forward I think I'll try to ignore those emails so I'm not caught in this position, but I did see the pathology report from my surgery on Friday. It doesn't sound like "you have the big C," but it also doesn't sound great:

"Secretory endometrium with irregular glands of uncertain significance; cannot exclude an underlying endometrial hyperplasia. Suggest repeat biopsy in proliferative phase if clinically indicated. Negative for chronic endometritis."

I'm not a medical doctor, but my best interpretation of this is they didn't necessarily see anything cancerous, but there may be some endometrial hyperplasia present (which CAN be a risk factor for cancer, but not always), and they may or may not need to do another biopsy - not sure how they would decide if it's "clinically indicated" (I don't have clinical symptoms - cycles are on the shorter side at 23-25 days but no irregular bleeding, consistent ovulation and normal length LP, etc.).

I called my clinic of course, but that just started a 2 day game of phone tag leading to a voice mail saying the next available appt for a consult to discuss the pathology report with my doctor is on 4/7. I'm sorry, but WTF? I'm not waiting almost 2 weeks to have you explain a pathology report I've ALREADY SEEN and am already panicking about. I'm not asking for a 1-hr consult, just get on the phone for 5 min and tell me WTF this means. At the very least, since I'll be close to ovulating again by 4/7, I need to know if they need to go in and do another biopsy so I don't TTC next cycle. Which would be GREAT since we already gave up my current cycle for me to have the polyp removed.

Anyway, has anyone gotten similar results and had the outcome NOT be something scary and horrible? I did search TFAB and found one old post from a user with similar results who just needed to be put on progesterone. I had good home PdG test results my first couple cycles trying but they did take a little longer to rise in my last cycle, and I had high estrogen in my Day 3 labs this cycle with milder progesterone symptoms than usual, so a hormone imbalance could make sense overall. I do have mild hypothyroidism and from my understanding, if it was going to affect my other hormones, this is pretty much exactly what it would do. So while I wait to discuss this with a doctor I'm just trying to tell myself that this might not be more bad news, just another angle of the bad news I already knew about, but FFS I am so tired of these gut-wrenching waiting games. Any insight / reassurance you can offer is much appreciated!

I had an operative hysteroscopy last week to remove a uterine polyp. Surgery went well, they got the polyp, said it was small, everything else looks fine, just have to send it out for pathology. OK great.Well, I happen to have an account with the lab they use - don't even remember creating it but prob had to in order to get results of a COVID test or something. So every time my clinic sends stuff out to this lab, the lab emails results to me directly. Going forward I think I'll try to ignore those emails so I'm not caught in this position, but I did see the pathology report from my surgery on Friday. It doesn't sound like "you have the big C," but it also doesn't sound great:"Secretory endometrium with irregular glands of uncertain significance; cannot exclude an underlying endometrial hyperplasia. Suggest repeat biopsy in proliferative phase if clinically indicated. Negative for chronic endometritis."I'm not a medical doctor, but my best interpretation of this is they didn't necessarily see anything cancerous, but there may be some endometrial hyperplasia present (which CAN be a risk factor for cancer, but not always), and they may or may not need to do another biopsy - not sure how they would decide if it's "clinically indicated" (I don't have clinical symptoms - cycles are on the shorter side at 23-25 days but no irregular bleeding, consistent ovulation and normal length LP, etc.).I called my clinic of course, but that just started a 2 day game of phone tag leading to a voice mail saying the next available appt for a consult to discuss the pathology report with my doctor is on 4/7. I'm sorry, but WTF? I'm not waiting almost 2 weeks to have you explain a pathology report I've ALREADY SEEN and am already panicking about. I'm not asking for a 1-hr consult, just get on the phone for 5 min and tell me WTF this means. At the very least, since I'll be close to ovulating again by 4/7, I need to know if they need to go in and do another biopsy so I don't TTC next cycle. Which would be GREAT since we already gave up my current cycle for me to have the polyp removed.Anyway, has anyone gotten similar results and had the outcome NOT be something scary and horrible? I did search TFAB and found one old post from a user with similar results who just needed to be put on progesterone. I had good home PdG test results my first couple cycles trying but they did take a little longer to rise in my last cycle, and I had high estrogen in my Day 3 labs this cycle with milder progesterone symptoms than usual, so a hormone imbalance could make sense overall. I do have mild hypothyroidism and from my understanding, if it was going to affect my other hormones, this is pretty much exactly what it would do. So while I wait to discuss this with a doctor I'm just trying to tell myself that this might not be more bad news, just another angle of the bad news I already knew about, but FFS I am so tired of these gut-wrenching waiting games. Any insight / reassurance you can offer is much appreciated! https://ift.tt/16TYuRC https://ift.tt/CiDIQzy
