Any ladies suffering like me and find relief with DIM, CDG or other related supplements?

I'm only 33, but over the past 8 years, I've seen changes in myself that really scream estrogen dominance (at least to me). The past 8 years have been incredibly stressful and I've been managing that stress poorly but the stress is what I think may have caused the huge change in my hormones. I suffer from about 3 weeks of horrible breast pain until my period arrives. I'm always tired, but i sleep like crap. I also am hot and cold like crazy and my hands and feet ache from being frozen all of the time, even when the room is warm. I also deal with terrible sweats, just sitting down doing nothing can induce cold sweats like a fever and my pits are always soaked. I have about 2 weeks of nausea which becomes intensified the week of my period and then sticks around until day 4 or so of bleeding. My hair is falling out (seb derm on scalp) and my skin is horribly oily AND dry at the same time. I also have so much squishy water weight that I can't shake and I struggle to lose a pound and keep it off, even with fasting, walking and or watching what I eat. I also have been suffering from so much vaginal discharge and wetness that i feel like i'm losing my mind. I've done many tests and I'm free of infections and the like, but it still continues to the point where my underpants can't stay dry at all and i wasn't like this at all up until 8 years ago. But the anxiety is so bad and is getting worse as I age. I've had blood tests done that claim to check for hormone imbalances and those always come back normal. I did do a saliva test about 7 years ago and it showed low testosterone, low progesterone, high estrogen and dhea was so low, it was off the graph. I ordered DIM with Calcium D-Glucarate and I was wondering if anyone suffering similarly to me has had success with it? I would be so grateful if the anxiety and heavy discharge alone would just stop. I'm so tired of feeling this way and my doctors have not taken me seriously.

I'm only 33, but over the past 8 years, I've seen changes in myself that really scream estrogen dominance (at least to me). The past 8 years have been incredibly stressful and I've been managing that stress poorly but the stress is what I think may have caused the huge change in my hormones. I suffer from about 3 weeks of horrible breast pain until my period arrives. I'm always tired, but i sleep like crap. I also am hot and cold like crazy and my hands and feet ache from being frozen all of the time, even when the room is warm. I also deal with terrible sweats, just sitting down doing nothing can induce cold sweats like a fever and my pits are always soaked. I have about 2 weeks of nausea which becomes intensified the week of my period and then sticks around until day 4 or so of bleeding. My hair is falling out (seb derm on scalp) and my skin is horribly oily AND dry at the same time. I also have so much squishy water weight that I can't shake and I struggle to lose a pound and keep it off, even with fasting, walking and or watching what I eat. I also have been suffering from so much vaginal discharge and wetness that i feel like i'm losing my mind. I've done many tests and I'm free of infections and the like, but it still continues to the point where my underpants can't stay dry at all and i wasn't like this at all up until 8 years ago. But the anxiety is so bad and is getting worse as I age. I've had blood tests done that claim to check for hormone imbalances and those always come back normal. I did do a saliva test about 7 years ago and it showed low testosterone, low progesterone, high estrogen and dhea was so low, it was off the graph. I ordered DIM with Calcium D-Glucarate and I was wondering if anyone suffering similarly to me has had success with it? I would be so grateful if the anxiety and heavy discharge alone would just stop. I'm so tired of feeling this way and my doctors have not taken me seriously.
