Anyone with gyno also have stubborn fat around flanks/love handles? Is it all hormonal?

Hey. Just had surgery and I’m really enjoying what I see so far. My mind is now turning to preventative measures to make sure it doesn’t come back. It’d kill me to put all this behind me only for it to be another issue in 5 years.

One thing I’m concerned about is the fact I have love handles that reduce but don’t go away even when I have low BMI/BF%. I’m thinking there’s a hormonal imbalance that might still be around that might cause me further issues down the line.

The way my body distributes fat is kinda female, which kinda aggravated my gyno, I’m wondering if this is because I put a lot of weight on when I was a teen and this happened to be at a time in puberty when I had high estrogen and this has determined where my fat cells will be for life?

Anyone else in similar boat with general fat distribution? Should I see an endocrinologist?

Hey. Just had surgery and I’m really enjoying what I see so far. My mind is now turning to preventative measures to make sure it doesn’t come back. It’d kill me to put all this behind me only for it to be another issue in 5 years.One thing I’m concerned about is the fact I have love handles that reduce but don’t go away even when I have low BMI/BF%. I’m thinking there’s a hormonal imbalance that might still be around that might cause me further issues down the line.The way my body distributes fat is kinda female, which kinda aggravated my gyno, I’m wondering if this is because I put a lot of weight on when I was a teen and this happened to be at a time in puberty when I had high estrogen and this has determined where my fat cells will be for life?Anyone else in similar boat with general fat distribution? Should I see an endocrinologist?
