Can someone help me refute these arguments?

So I’ve recently been researching music in Islam.

I’ve seen Muslims repeatedly make some of the same points over and over again about why music is harmful for your mind and soul.

I can definitely argue against a number of these points, but I was hoping some of you could help me address the arguments for why music is “bad for the soul”:

  1. Studies show music causes depression/anxiety.

  2. Studies show music causes an imbalance in hormone/dopamine levels.

  3. People that listen to music often dislike listening to Quran, which shows that Shaytan’s tricks are working.

  4. People that quit music are often happier.

  5. Music creates feelings of sentimentality/nostalgia/sadness that can lead to depression or addiction.

  6. Music is like a dangerous drug that sways emotions and encourages immorality.

  7. Music lets people avoid their thoughts, so listening to music frequently discourages deep thinking or understanding.

  8. (Biggest one, hard for me to refute) Western culture is now pushing for “dopamine detoxes” by encouraging people to quit music, movies, porn, games, social media, etc. The fact that Islam bans so many of these suggests that it was ahead of its time in this regard.

So I’ve recently been researching music in Islam.I’ve seen Muslims repeatedly make some of the same points over and over again about why music is harmful for your mind and soul.I can definitely argue against a number of these points, but I was hoping some of you could help me address the arguments for why music is “bad for the soul”:Studies show music causes depression/anxiety.Studies show music causes an imbalance in hormone/dopamine levels.People that listen to music often dislike listening to Quran, which shows that Shaytan’s tricks are working.People that quit music are often happier.Music creates feelings of sentimentality/nostalgia/sadness that can lead to depression or addiction.Music is like a dangerous drug that sways emotions and encourages immorality.Music lets people avoid their thoughts, so listening to music frequently discourages deep thinking or understanding.(Biggest one, hard for me to refute) Western culture is now pushing for “dopamine detoxes” by encouraging people to quit music, movies, porn, games, social media, etc. The fact that Islam bans so many of these suggests that it was ahead of its time in this regard.
