Medically Induced BED

Hi, I’m new here and recently admitted I have a problem. The issue is some of the problem is mental and some is physical. I have a hormonal imbalance that makes me crave sugar and carbohydrates because my body doesn’t utilize the food I eat correctly. I can literally eat a whole meal and still not feel full. I also suffer hypoglycemic episodes and that’s what kicked off my BED. I had a panic attack from extremely low sugar and it was so traumatic that I overeat to avoid ever getting hypoglycemic in the first place. I’ve gained over 100 lbs in 2-3 years from a mix of overeating and hormonal imbalance. I am at my absolute heaviest and my health is suffering, I’m miserable in my body and just want to hide all the time. I feel like I’m missing out on life because I’m terrified of being made fun of for my weight. I’m seeing an endocrinologist for my hormonal issue soon but I’m scared I won’t be able to overcome the mental aspect. I’ve always struggled with food, bouncing from bulimia to anorexia to orthorexia to now binging. It all seems so overwhelming. When I try to not binge, I go overboard and end up restricting a lot and go towards orthorexia or anorexia. If I relax some, I binge. I feel so hopelessly stuck and I’m scared even if I fix the physical causes of my binging that it won’t help. I’m scared losing weight won’t make me feel any different mentally either. I’m scared fixing my disordered eating won’t help me. I eat because I’m terrified of failure. I’m terrified of panic attacks. I’m terrified of attention. And I don’t know how to stop. As I’m writing this, my stomach is growling for food. And I can feel myself attempting to justify it with a medical reasoning. Some of it is real, some of it is excuses I tell myself.

Hi, I’m new here and recently admitted I have a problem. The issue is some of the problem is mental and some is physical. I have a hormonal imbalance that makes me crave sugar and carbohydrates because my body doesn’t utilize the food I eat correctly. I can literally eat a whole meal and still not feel full. I also suffer hypoglycemic episodes and that’s what kicked off my BED. I had a panic attack from extremely low sugar and it was so traumatic that I overeat to avoid ever getting hypoglycemic in the first place. I’ve gained over 100 lbs in 2-3 years from a mix of overeating and hormonal imbalance. I am at my absolute heaviest and my health is suffering, I’m miserable in my body and just want to hide all the time. I feel like I’m missing out on life because I’m terrified of being made fun of for my weight. I’m seeing an endocrinologist for my hormonal issue soon but I’m scared I won’t be able to overcome the mental aspect. I’ve always struggled with food, bouncing from bulimia to anorexia to orthorexia to now binging. It all seems so overwhelming. When I try to not binge, I go overboard and end up restricting a lot and go towards orthorexia or anorexia. If I relax some, I binge. I feel so hopelessly stuck and I’m scared even if I fix the physical causes of my binging that it won’t help. I’m scared losing weight won’t make me feel any different mentally either. I’m scared fixing my disordered eating won’t help me. I eat because I’m terrified of failure. I’m terrified of panic attacks. I’m terrified of attention. And I don’t know how to stop. As I’m writing this, my stomach is growling for food. And I can feel myself attempting to justify it with a medical reasoning. Some of it is real, some of it is excuses I tell myself.
