Does anyone here have naturally excessive testosterone?

So I learned some months ago that I have a hormonal imbalance: too much testosterone. My endo says its due to a rare genetic mutation in some gene. I wonder if anyone else with this condition or has experienced similar side effects: Early hair loss, excessive acne (especially during puberty), growth stunting (being shorter than younger siblings), perhaps craniosynostosis, high sexual drive. As well as the positives like: high risk-taking behavior, greater confidence, greater drive for success and social standing, and arguably "moodiness" which imo is really experiencing emotions at their extremes. etc.

I ask because I wonder how you have dealt with the negatives. I'm currently debating if I should go on Finasteride.

So I learned some months ago that I have a hormonal imbalance: too much testosterone. My endo says its due to a rare genetic mutation in some gene. I wonder if anyone else with this condition or has experienced similar side effects: Early hair loss, excessive acne (especially during puberty), growth stunting (being shorter than younger siblings), perhaps craniosynostosis, high sexual drive. As well as the positives like: high risk-taking behavior, greater confidence, greater drive for success and social standing, and arguably "moodiness" which imo is really experiencing emotions at their extremes. etc.​I ask because I wonder how you have dealt with the negatives. I'm currently debating if I should go on Finasteride.
