Laser ruined my face and I have been struggling with facial hair for years

At 16, I got laser hair removal done for my very thick sideburns. My laser-tech at the time said she's also going to do my chin, jawline and neck. I only had insignificant, light colored peach fuzz in those areas. My dark, thick sideburns completely went away after 5 sessions. But now I have very dark, thick and stubborn hairs growing on my chin, jaw and neck areas. I didn't know any better at the time, but now I look back every day and regret the moment I let her do it.

I continued going back for laser sessions for this area, hoping that the hair will eventually go away like my sideburns did. I went monthly for over a year and there was no progress.

Since I stopped going to laser, I tried waxing (which gave me so many painful ingrown hairs and breakouts), threading (caused breakouts), and shaving (which breaks me out too and due to shaving often I have discoloration or "a shadow" now). I guess the only thing left to try is electrolysis but quite frankly I am scared of it hurting. I am also really tired of spending so much money and energy on dealing with my facial hair that is a result of a mistake. I can't help but expect that this is not going to work either.

I'm hoping someone out there has experienced this and relates, or has some advice for me.

*also, I know facial hair is often associated with PCOS. I have had bloodwork done and confirmed that I do not have PCOS or any hormonal imbalances.

At 16, I got laser hair removal done for my very thick sideburns. My laser-tech at the time said she's also going to do my chin, jawline and neck. I only had insignificant, light colored peach fuzz in those areas. My dark, thick sideburns completely went away after 5 sessions. But now I have very dark, thick and stubborn hairs growing on my chin, jaw and neck areas. I didn't know any better at the time, but now I look back every day and regret the moment I let her do it.I continued going back for laser sessions for this area, hoping that the hair will eventually go away like my sideburns did. I went monthly for over a year and there was no progress.Since I stopped going to laser, I tried waxing (which gave me so many painful ingrown hairs and breakouts), threading (caused breakouts), and shaving (which breaks me out too and due to shaving often I have discoloration or "a shadow" now). I guess the only thing left to try is electrolysis but quite frankly I am scared of it hurting. I am also really tired of spending so much money and energy on dealing with my facial hair that is a result of a mistake. I can't help but expect that this is not going to work either.I'm hoping someone out there has experienced this and relates, or has some advice for me.*also, I know facial hair is often associated with PCOS. I have had bloodwork done and confirmed that I do not have PCOS or any hormonal imbalances.
