Pregnant or hormonal imbalance?

To preface, I’ve been on the combination pill for a little over 2 years now and I’m usually very consistent.

Unfortunately when I went to spend the weekend with my boyfriend, I forgot my pills at home, which means that I’d taken a pill on Thursday night and then not on Friday night. Early in the morning on saturday, my boyfriend and I ended up having unprotected sex. He had cum once without penetration and then again a few minutes later in me.

I only took my next pill on Sunday, and I stupidly took the two I’d missed at 4pm and then my third one at 8pm which is my normal time.

This happened exactly 16 days ago (5 days after the end of my previous period and during the second week of my pack of pills), and last week Monday I started experiencing breast pain that hasn’t let up. It feels slightly less painful than menstrual breast pain and I only really notice when my breasts are squeezed or squished. I’m due for my period this Thursday. I haven’t had any other symptoms; no bleeding, no nausea, no cramps, or any other pregnancy symptoms.

I usually experience breast tenderness a few days before my period, just for reference.

My questions is, could taking 3 birth control pills in one day have caused this breast pain due to throwing my hormones off balance, or is it more likely I’m pregnant? I won’t be able to get a test until I know my period is late, but the stress this is causing me is interfering with my day to day life so I’d just like some more opinions on the matter.

Also, yes I will go to my doctor if I need to, but doctors are expensive and I don’t want to jump the gun.

To preface, I’ve been on the combination pill for a little over 2 years now and I’m usually very consistent.Unfortunately when I went to spend the weekend with my boyfriend, I forgot my pills at home, which means that I’d taken a pill on Thursday night and then not on Friday night. Early in the morning on saturday, my boyfriend and I ended up having unprotected sex. He had cum once without penetration and then again a few minutes later in me.I only took my next pill on Sunday, and I stupidly took the two I’d missed at 4pm and then my third one at 8pm which is my normal time.This happened exactly 16 days ago (5 days after the end of my previous period and during the second week of my pack of pills), and last week Monday I started experiencing breast pain that hasn’t let up. It feels slightly less painful than menstrual breast pain and I only really notice when my breasts are squeezed or squished. I’m due for my period this Thursday. I haven’t had any other symptoms; no bleeding, no nausea, no cramps, or any other pregnancy symptoms.I usually experience breast tenderness a few days before my period, just for reference.My questions is, could taking 3 birth control pills in one day have caused this breast pain due to throwing my hormones off balance, or is it more likely I’m pregnant? I won’t be able to get a test until I know my period is late, but the stress this is causing me is interfering with my day to day life so I’d just like some more opinions on the matter.Also, yes I will go to my doctor if I need to, but doctors are expensive and I don’t want to jump the gun.
