Any suggestions?

Hey everyone! I’ve been struggling for about a month and I feel like no doctor is truly understanding my struggle. Sorry for the long post in advance. I suddenly became so anxious at the end of May/beginning of June. I called my mom crying because of this uneasy feeling of hopelessness that I just couldn’t shake for days and days. It was crippling. I couldn’t go to work, I couldn’t even go in a store and face people. I did not and still do not want to be alone. I went to the er… the doctor there says there is nothing he can do. Primary doctor put me on Lexapro…took it for 3 days (the worst 3 days of my life-worst panic attacks to date) & then it hit me. Could my birth control be making me feel this mental/crazy? I hadn’t took it for a couple days already because I couldn’t even hold down liquids, much less anything else. I looked it up online and I see a lot of people have similar issues with hormonal birth control and feeling like they’re loosing it. Because that’s how I felt: like I was loosing my grip. I noticed when I started taking it I was more moody than usual, but I thought that may be normal? But then I would cry about things that hadn’t even happed, ect. I’ve been off birth control for 4 weeks this week and off Lexapro for 3 weeks this Thursday. I still am having anxious spells. I can’t sit still in the afternoons to even watch tv. I have to be standing, cleaning or something. I cannot just sit and relax. I have headaches. The only time I can relax is when I’m asleep and I’m still having weird dreams. I don’t know if it’s withdraw or what. I messaged my gyno about hormonal imbalance and she told me I should contact my primary doctor because she says the pills shouldn’t still be effecting me and it’s been about 4 weeks…but according to everything I see online, it could take 4-6 months!!!! I just feel hopeless and like no one understands. Has anyone ever had anxiety randomly come about and shake up your whole life? I feel like I will never have my life back. I just want to feel like myself again.

Hey everyone! I’ve been struggling for about a month and I feel like no doctor is truly understanding my struggle. Sorry for the long post in advance. I suddenly became so anxious at the end of May/beginning of June. I called my mom crying because of this uneasy feeling of hopelessness that I just couldn’t shake for days and days. It was crippling. I couldn’t go to work, I couldn’t even go in a store and face people. I did not and still do not want to be alone. I went to the er… the doctor there says there is nothing he can do. Primary doctor put me on Lexapro…took it for 3 days (the worst 3 days of my life-worst panic attacks to date) & then it hit me. Could my birth control be making me feel this mental/crazy? I hadn’t took it for a couple days already because I couldn’t even hold down liquids, much less anything else. I looked it up online and I see a lot of people have similar issues with hormonal birth control and feeling like they’re loosing it. Because that’s how I felt: like I was loosing my grip. I noticed when I started taking it I was more moody than usual, but I thought that may be normal? But then I would cry about things that hadn’t even happed, ect. I’ve been off birth control for 4 weeks this week and off Lexapro for 3 weeks this Thursday. I still am having anxious spells. I can’t sit still in the afternoons to even watch tv. I have to be standing, cleaning or something. I cannot just sit and relax. I have headaches. The only time I can relax is when I’m asleep and I’m still having weird dreams. I don’t know if it’s withdraw or what. I messaged my gyno about hormonal imbalance and she told me I should contact my primary doctor because she says the pills shouldn’t still be effecting me and it’s been about 4 weeks…but according to everything I see online, it could take 4-6 months!!!! I just feel hopeless and like no one understands. Has anyone ever had anxiety randomly come about and shake up your whole life? I feel like I will never have my life back. I just want to feel like myself again.
