I need to vent/bc options

Due to past mental health issues and the way my body reacts to hormones I physically cannot handle them. I dont know what it is but i turn into not myself on anything synthetic. I dont feel like me and i hate it. With the roe vs wade overturning I'm scared for the future. I use natural family planning as birth control and its faired fine for 4 years till we wanted a baby ( have a 3 year old now and it worked for another 3 years) it never failed me unless intentional. But in February I had a accident, and me and my husband had sex while I was ovulating. I should've said no but usually he just pulls put. For whatever reason he didn't this time and I lost my mind on him. Sure enough I got pregnant and I had a abortion. I've been petrified ever since and I test like 5 times a month to make sure I'm not pregnant. I'm not sure what my plan of attack was or is but I've been looking into tubal litigation. I asked my husband if he would consider a vasectomy and he doesn't want to because he thinks it will "alter his sex drive" no amount of explaining it won't convinces him. I made a apt to get a copper iud so I don't have to do hormones. But now I'm reading that the copper iud can cause autoimmune disorders due to copper zinc imbalance and hypothyroidism and weight gain and depression. So much so people are saying it's almost if not worse then hormones. I told husband I will get my tubes tied but he wants me to get a iud before getting my.tubes tied and "just try" the mirena. I told him I don't want to and I'm honestly so stressed out I hung up the phone and just started crying. I feel like I have no options and I'm being backed into a corner. I understand why my husband doesn't want to alter his body because I don't want to do anything to mine but I also feel like he's not working with me or taking my feelings into consideration at all. My biggest concern with the iud is getting it, getting pregnant anyway and having a ectopic pregnancy and not getting treatment and dying because of everything going on. I'm not sure what to do

Due to past mental health issues and the way my body reacts to hormones I physically cannot handle them. I dont know what it is but i turn into not myself on anything synthetic. I dont feel like me and i hate it. With the roe vs wade overturning I'm scared for the future. I use natural family planning as birth control and its faired fine for 4 years till we wanted a baby ( have a 3 year old now and it worked for another 3 years) it never failed me unless intentional. But in February I had a accident, and me and my husband had sex while I was ovulating. I should've said no but usually he just pulls put. For whatever reason he didn't this time and I lost my mind on him. Sure enough I got pregnant and I had a abortion. I've been petrified ever since and I test like 5 times a month to make sure I'm not pregnant. I'm not sure what my plan of attack was or is but I've been looking into tubal litigation. I asked my husband if he would consider a vasectomy and he doesn't want to because he thinks it will "alter his sex drive" no amount of explaining it won't convinces him. I made a apt to get a copper iud so I don't have to do hormones. But now I'm reading that the copper iud can cause autoimmune disorders due to copper zinc imbalance and hypothyroidism and weight gain and depression. So much so people are saying it's almost if not worse then hormones. I told husband I will get my tubes tied but he wants me to get a iud before getting my.tubes tied and "just try" the mirena. I told him I don't want to and I'm honestly so stressed out I hung up the phone and just started crying. I feel like I have no options and I'm being backed into a corner. I understand why my husband doesn't want to alter his body because I don't want to do anything to mine but I also feel like he's not working with me or taking my feelings into consideration at all. My biggest concern with the iud is getting it, getting pregnant anyway and having a ectopic pregnancy and not getting treatment and dying because of everything going on. I'm not sure what to do https://ift.tt/O2NL3WD https://ift.tt/Gg7XJhe
