I want to quit porn

Hey everyone, I'm from Richmond, Virginia, USA. I'm 26 years old, gonna turn 27 in couple of months. I have been watching porn and masturbating since I was 14. I have found new goals in life I wanna pursue and am wanting to quit. Blood test wise and usual normal medical check-up wise I'm healthy, but mentally I'm a wreck, I am addicted to porn and I masturbate on average two to three times a day, but usually two. And I don't edge but I ejaculate right away.

I have read various articles on nofap, some say u may have to spend another decade to recover all the semen that has been wasted, others say you can recover that in 74-90 days and heal the brain too. I have also heard that excessive masturbation leads to prostrate problems or cancer I don't have any prostrate issues as of yet. They also say it causes infertility.

Some say you will have hormonal imbalance and nofap will not restore Ur testosterone or hormones and u will need hormone replacement therapy. I did my blood tests and I don't have any hormonal issues, and I do get morning wood more often and erections at night too. So what I'm asking is if I give up porn now and focus on the other goals which are exercise, nutrition, meditation, journaling, reading, cold showers, travelling. Will I restore what I have wasted in ejaculations since I was 14 in several months or will it take decades? And does semen quality and quantity restore or is there a chance of infertility developing? I'm focused on giving it up. So just needed help to ask fellow fapstronauts who are on the journey.

Hey everyone, I'm from Richmond, Virginia, USA. I'm 26 years old, gonna turn 27 in couple of months. I have been watching porn and masturbating since I was 14. I have found new goals in life I wanna pursue and am wanting to quit. Blood test wise and usual normal medical check-up wise I'm healthy, but mentally I'm a wreck, I am addicted to porn and I masturbate on average two to three times a day, but usually two. And I don't edge but I ejaculate right away.I have read various articles on nofap, some say u may have to spend another decade to recover all the semen that has been wasted, others say you can recover that in 74-90 days and heal the brain too. I have also heard that excessive masturbation leads to prostrate problems or cancer I don't have any prostrate issues as of yet. They also say it causes infertility.Some say you will have hormonal imbalance and nofap will not restore Ur testosterone or hormones and u will need hormone replacement therapy. I did my blood tests and I don't have any hormonal issues, and I do get morning wood more often and erections at night too. So what I'm asking is if I give up porn now and focus on the other goals which are exercise, nutrition, meditation, journaling, reading, cold showers, travelling. Will I restore what I have wasted in ejaculations since I was 14 in several months or will it take decades? And does semen quality and quantity restore or is there a chance of infertility developing? I'm focused on giving it up. So just needed help to ask fellow fapstronauts who are on the journey. https://ift.tt/Z3zElqn https://ift.tt/BJEGc80
