my doctor is absolutely useless

TL;DR: my doctor has seemed quite disrespectful towards me and my medical needs and now I cannot get in contact with her clinic. Not really any other doctors I can see about it either. Need advice.

So I live in a really small town in Canada and in my province there are only 3 gender clinics that are able to provide HRT to youth (16+) and one of them is over 600kms away (372 miles for my American friends) so I was left with 2 options. One of them had a 2 year long waiting list and the other only had a year so I went with that one.

But getting to the actual point of this post now. My doctor is literally fucking useless.

We will start with her inability to contact my GPs office to get access to some of my medical documents. She kept telling me she had called them and they didn't have what she was looking for. So I called them myself and they had told me they hadn't received any calls asking for that file. Ended up having to do it myself and paying like 60 dollars for all the forms.

Next she absolutely refuses to provide me with my blood work results. I cannot access them through the online network because I don't have some of the ID required for it and I'm unable to get said ID. And every appointment I ask to get a copy of my results or even just verbally hear them and she still won't tell me, she just says everything looks normal.

I had also voiced my concerns with my dose being too low for my body size (10mg once a week) as I had begun experiencing signs of hormone imbalance. And her immediate reaction was to say I should go off T because it wasn't for me. So I spent the next 20 minutes just asking her to raise my dose to the proper starting dose (reading medical journals and other trans people starting T the consensus i got was 20mg once a week) and in the end she agreed to raise it. And low and behold, I started feeling a whole lot better.

My next incident was when I was getting her to refill my prescription, for a week and a half she just simply refused. I was lucky enough and got an emergency refill at my hospital. I then called her back the next week and she said she would fill it right now.

Next appointment I had was at the 5 month mark for being on T, and I asked if I could have a dose raise. She said my T levels were still in the female range and then she proceeded to tell me I'm exactly where I need to be.

I haven't had an appointment with her since because her office won't answer my phone calls even though I'm calling within their business hours.

I ended up raising my own dose to 30mg and I've finally started noticing changes like voice deepening and more hair growth. But I know I can't continue to raise my dose by myself and I need a doctor to be able to tell me if my levels are normal.

I'm very unsure of the direction I should go next, the clinic has another doctor but isn't accepting new patients until 2023 and I can't go until then without monitoring my levels/ getting my dose changed. And the second clinic still has a year long wait list.

I feel very stuck and also very disrespected by this particular doctor because this experience doesn't seem normal.

Any advice?

TL;DR: my doctor has seemed quite disrespectful towards me and my medical needs and now I cannot get in contact with her clinic. Not really any other doctors I can see about it either. Need advice.So I live in a really small town in Canada and in my province there are only 3 gender clinics that are able to provide HRT to youth (16+) and one of them is over 600kms away (372 miles for my American friends) so I was left with 2 options. One of them had a 2 year long waiting list and the other only had a year so I went with that one.But getting to the actual point of this post now. My doctor is literally fucking useless.We will start with her inability to contact my GPs office to get access to some of my medical documents. She kept telling me she had called them and they didn't have what she was looking for. So I called them myself and they had told me they hadn't received any calls asking for that file. Ended up having to do it myself and paying like 60 dollars for all the forms.Next she absolutely refuses to provide me with my blood work results. I cannot access them through the online network because I don't have some of the ID required for it and I'm unable to get said ID. And every appointment I ask to get a copy of my results or even just verbally hear them and she still won't tell me, she just says everything looks normal.I had also voiced my concerns with my dose being too low for my body size (10mg once a week) as I had begun experiencing signs of hormone imbalance. And her immediate reaction was to say I should go off T because it wasn't for me. So I spent the next 20 minutes just asking her to raise my dose to the proper starting dose (reading medical journals and other trans people starting T the consensus i got was 20mg once a week) and in the end she agreed to raise it. And low and behold, I started feeling a whole lot better.My next incident was when I was getting her to refill my prescription, for a week and a half she just simply refused. I was lucky enough and got an emergency refill at my hospital. I then called her back the next week and she said she would fill it right now.Next appointment I had was at the 5 month mark for being on T, and I asked if I could have a dose raise. She said my T levels were still in the female range and then she proceeded to tell me I'm exactly where I need to be.I haven't had an appointment with her since because her office won't answer my phone calls even though I'm calling within their business hours.I ended up raising my own dose to 30mg and I've finally started noticing changes like voice deepening and more hair growth. But I know I can't continue to raise my dose by myself and I need a doctor to be able to tell me if my levels are normal.I'm very unsure of the direction I should go next, the clinic has another doctor but isn't accepting new patients until 2023 and I can't go until then without monitoring my levels/ getting my dose changed. And the second clinic still has a year long wait list.I feel very stuck and also very disrespected by this particular doctor because this experience doesn't seem normal.Any advice?
