Thyroid is enlarged, I have symptoms, but thyroid hormone tests are normal. What gives?

So over a year ago I had symptoms that started as excessive sweating/heat intolerance, extreme hunger, diarrhea, and other symptoms like an occasional stretching feeling where my thyroid is, and hair loss. I went to the doctor and got my thyroid checked through a blood test and so far everything is in the normal range. However, I have not yet had my T3 or T4 levels checked. It has been over a year and I have had many tests done. All tests so far have yielded nothing.

I have had these symptoms for over a year: excessive sweating, no appetite, fullness for long period of time after eating, diarrhea (no pain, just loose bowel movements), fatigue, and weight loss.

I asked my doc if an enlarged thyroid would cause these symptoms, but she said it’s unlikely given that my thyroid hormone is normal. We have not tested my T3 or T4 however, but she also doesn’t seem to think an imbalance in those would cause anything close to my symptoms.

I’m getting an ultrasound of my thyroid in a week. Also, idk if it helps, but I did test positive for ANA, albeit the titer was low.

What do y’all think? I’d love some secondary opinions on this.

So over a year ago I had symptoms that started as excessive sweating/heat intolerance, extreme hunger, diarrhea, and other symptoms like an occasional stretching feeling where my thyroid is, and hair loss. I went to the doctor and got my thyroid checked through a blood test and so far everything is in the normal range. However, I have not yet had my T3 or T4 levels checked. It has been over a year and I have had many tests done. All tests so far have yielded nothing.I have had these symptoms for over a year: excessive sweating, no appetite, fullness for long period of time after eating, diarrhea (no pain, just loose bowel movements), fatigue, and weight loss.I asked my doc if an enlarged thyroid would cause these symptoms, but she said it’s unlikely given that my thyroid hormone is normal. We have not tested my T3 or T4 however, but she also doesn’t seem to think an imbalance in those would cause anything close to my symptoms.I’m getting an ultrasound of my thyroid in a week. Also, idk if it helps, but I did test positive for ANA, albeit the titer was low.What do y’all think? I’d love some secondary opinions on this.
