Vertigo Post IUD Removal

I'm not sure if my experience can help anyone else, or if I'm not the only one...

I (F 29) got Merena after having been on the pill off and on since I was a teen. My cramps were excruciating, so my gyn determined I either had PCOS or endometriosis based on my symptom; and told me to use birth control (as a bandaid). However I personally experienced mental health problems from being on birth control for so long. I was having bad anxiety, feeling paranoid, mood swings, etc. I decided to get off the pill in 2018 and when I did I immediately felt better mentally; but my periods were excruciating. So I asked my doctor about the differenced between the pill and the IUD and she told me that because the pill is processed through the blood stream that could be the reason for my problems; so I decided to go with the Merena. After a two and a half years, I wanted to get it out. I was having the same mental health concerns and getting excruciating ovulation cramps - that I had never experienced before. I had read too many articles after getting the IUD of women having extreme problems with their IUD, which affirmed my decision. My gyn of course tried to convince me to use the pill again instead but I insisted that I did not want anymore synthetic chemicals in my body. In May 2021, I got it out and several weeks later I got vertigo. I have a history of vertigo with being deaf in one ear so I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was the same vestibular issue I dealt with before. Until I started connecting the dots... I had been tracking my period with a calendar because I wanted to learn how to track my cycle and its phases. When I checked, every vertigo spell I got happened before, during or after my period (during ovulation to be exact). I am convinced that this is some sort of IUD chemical withdrawal or "Merena crash." My hormones and period have not been normal for me. I feel there is an imbalance in my hormones that may have triggered symptoms that are similar to symptoms of Meniere's disease. I've tried physical therapy which seems to help but unfortunately my insurance only allows so many visits and I'm running out. I also incorporated acupuncture - which has helped a lot. But I keep getting vertigo flare ups and I feel the progress I do make, gets set back by the vertigo; leaving me feeling constantly imbalanced and uncoordinated. I hope this reaches other women who are either going through the same experience or have already been through it and were healed from it. I have a plan to meet with an integrative medicine doctor to get on a regimen for healing my gut and balancing out my hormones so I can heal from this. I've been dealing with vertigo and feeling imbalanced and uncoordinated for a year now; and I am still dealing with it at the time of writing this post.

I'm not sure if my experience can help anyone else, or if I'm not the only one...I (F 29) got Merena after having been on the pill off and on since I was a teen. My cramps were excruciating, so my gyn determined I either had PCOS or endometriosis based on my symptom; and told me to use birth control (as a bandaid). However I personally experienced mental health problems from being on birth control for so long. I was having bad anxiety, feeling paranoid, mood swings, etc. I decided to get off the pill in 2018 and when I did I immediately felt better mentally; but my periods were excruciating. So I asked my doctor about the differenced between the pill and the IUD and she told me that because the pill is processed through the blood stream that could be the reason for my problems; so I decided to go with the Merena. After a two and a half years, I wanted to get it out. I was having the same mental health concerns and getting excruciating ovulation cramps - that I had never experienced before. I had read too many articles after getting the IUD of women having extreme problems with their IUD, which affirmed my decision. My gyn of course tried to convince me to use the pill again instead but I insisted that I did not want anymore synthetic chemicals in my body. In May 2021, I got it out and several weeks later I got vertigo. I have a history of vertigo with being deaf in one ear so I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was the same vestibular issue I dealt with before. Until I started connecting the dots... I had been tracking my period with a calendar because I wanted to learn how to track my cycle and its phases. When I checked, every vertigo spell I got happened before, during or after my period (during ovulation to be exact). I am convinced that this is some sort of IUD chemical withdrawal or "Merena crash." My hormones and period have not been normal for me. I feel there is an imbalance in my hormones that may have triggered symptoms that are similar to symptoms of Meniere's disease. I've tried physical therapy which seems to help but unfortunately my insurance only allows so many visits and I'm running out. I also incorporated acupuncture - which has helped a lot. But I keep getting vertigo flare ups and I feel the progress I do make, gets set back by the vertigo; leaving me feeling constantly imbalanced and uncoordinated. I hope this reaches other women who are either going through the same experience or have already been through it and were healed from it. I have a plan to meet with an integrative medicine doctor to get on a regimen for healing my gut and balancing out my hormones so I can heal from this. I've been dealing with vertigo and feeling imbalanced and uncoordinated for a year now; and I am still dealing with it at the time of writing this post.
