Women shouldn't have to justify not being on birth control.

Women you already know what's up, but for guys who don't know. Women have to justify a lot why they are not on birth control, especially to medical professionals.

It's almost like the "standard" here in the United States that once you reach a certain age it's EXPECTED of you to be on birth control, if this isn't directly communicated to you it's definitely pressured on you. This isn't the case for every woman as in in religious households/communities it's very taboo as it implies to ignorant people you are sexually active. Birth control is also used a lot as a fix all wonder magical pill to fix everything for a woman. Acne? Birth control. Cramps? Birth control. Your period is too heavy? Birth control. Your period slightly inconveniencing you? Birth control. When in reality a lot of these "problems" are minor hormonal imbalances that can be fixed with stress management, changing certain beauty products or a different diet. Other times it's a major issue like endometriosis which is like pulling teeth to be diagnosed and treated for.

Especially if you are having sex, doctor's can get so weird about you being on birth control especially if you are young. By the time I was 19 and having sex my gyno was very very pushy about me being on birth control because I'm too young to have kids and tried every reason to convince me to "just try it" going after my acne or period cramps, all my gynos after that same thing until I reached the age of about 24/25 now all the sudden it's doctor's asking me when I'm planning on getting pregnant. Even just family docs or a specialist for something completely unrelated to my uterus it always always circles around to my uterus someway somehow and docs get very rude and aggressive if you are private about it because there is a large entitlement to know that information. I understand why for many different scenarios, but it is most definitely abused.

Now, you gotta justify to not only doctors but friends, family, etc bout birth control and why you are or not on it it's like just informed people think they are entitled to know. It should just be an option for women, an INFORMED OPTION. So tired of it being peddled on women like snake oil and information people feel entitled too.

So sick and tired of always always always being reduced down to just my uterus, someway or somehow. It's humiliating and dehumanizing.

Women you already know what's up, but for guys who don't know. Women have to justify a lot why they are not on birth control, especially to medical professionals.It's almost like the "standard" here in the United States that once you reach a certain age it's EXPECTED of you to be on birth control, if this isn't directly communicated to you it's definitely pressured on you. This isn't the case for every woman as in in religious households/communities it's very taboo as it implies to ignorant people you are sexually active. Birth control is also used a lot as a fix all wonder magical pill to fix everything for a woman. Acne? Birth control. Cramps? Birth control. Your period is too heavy? Birth control. Your period slightly inconveniencing you? Birth control. When in reality a lot of these "problems" are minor hormonal imbalances that can be fixed with stress management, changing certain beauty products or a different diet. Other times it's a major issue like endometriosis which is like pulling teeth to be diagnosed and treated for.Especially if you are having sex, doctor's can get so weird about you being on birth control especially if you are young. By the time I was 19 and having sex my gyno was very very pushy about me being on birth control because I'm too young to have kids and tried every reason to convince me to "just try it" going after my acne or period cramps, all my gynos after that same thing until I reached the age of about 24/25 now all the sudden it's doctor's asking me when I'm planning on getting pregnant. Even just family docs or a specialist for something completely unrelated to my uterus it always always circles around to my uterus someway somehow and docs get very rude and aggressive if you are private about it because there is a large entitlement to know that information. I understand why for many different scenarios, but it is most definitely abused.Now, you gotta justify to not only doctors but friends, family, etc bout birth control and why you are or not on it it's like just informed people think they are entitled to know. It should just be an option for women, an INFORMED OPTION. So tired of it being peddled on women like snake oil and information people feel entitled too.So sick and tired of always always always being reduced down to just my uterus, someway or somehow. It's humiliating and dehumanizing. https://ift.tt/6EnYwz8 https://ift.tt/fgT5d9z
