Doctor not taking me seriously (help & rant)

Went to my Gyno last month to have blood work done because I believe I have pcos. I’m 23 years old. I have hormonal acne (cystic), unwanted hair, irregular periods, and uncomfortable, sometimes severe pain in my ovaries.
The NP that I spoke to when I requested the blood work blew me off and basically told me that my acne had nothing to do with my hormones and that all women get ovarian cysts. She said she would do the blood work (to shut me up, I suppose.) When the receptionist called she said something came up on my tests that suggests pcos, which I’ve been suspecting for the past 10 years. When I got to the office to see my actual gyno she said that everything was normal and didn’t know why the receptionist would’ve said that something came up. After looking at my blood work results on my own I saw that my testosterone is 5.1g/dL with a normal range being 3.6-5.1. So I feel like with that being on the cusp of abnormal and all my issues, the doctor should’ve mentioned it. She also said that my acne isn’t hormonal because it doesn’t only happen during my period, despite it all being on my chin and jawline. Which makes no sense considering those who have imbalances have acne all the time. She said that although my cycles are anywhere from 25-35 days (irregular) that women with pcos have less than 6 periods a year. I know this isn’t true because of the research I have done. On top of all that she said that the pain in my ovaries is completely normal. She can’t diagnose me without an ultrasound but I can’t afford to get it done right now. I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this? I really feel like something is off and it’s not normal. It’s very aggravating because I just want a diagnosis for my issues so that I can treat them.

Went to my Gyno last month to have blood work done because I believe I have pcos. I’m 23 years old. I have hormonal acne (cystic), unwanted hair, irregular periods, and uncomfortable, sometimes severe pain in my ovaries.The NP that I spoke to when I requested the blood work blew me off and basically told me that my acne had nothing to do with my hormones and that all women get ovarian cysts. She said she would do the blood work (to shut me up, I suppose.) When the receptionist called she said something came up on my tests that suggests pcos, which I’ve been suspecting for the past 10 years. When I got to the office to see my actual gyno she said that everything was normal and didn’t know why the receptionist would’ve said that something came up. After looking at my blood work results on my own I saw that my testosterone is 5.1g/dL with a normal range being 3.6-5.1. So I feel like with that being on the cusp of abnormal and all my issues, the doctor should’ve mentioned it. She also said that my acne isn’t hormonal because it doesn’t only happen during my period, despite it all being on my chin and jawline. Which makes no sense considering those who have imbalances have acne all the time. She said that although my cycles are anywhere from 25-35 days (irregular) that women with pcos have less than 6 periods a year. I know this isn’t true because of the research I have done. On top of all that she said that the pain in my ovaries is completely normal. She can’t diagnose me without an ultrasound but I can’t afford to get it done right now. I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this? I really feel like something is off and it’s not normal. It’s very aggravating because I just want a diagnosis for my issues so that I can treat them.
